10 servos not running

So id just started running 10 servos but for some reason it just stopped. Is there something im missing?

Maybe some electronic parts or would i need a specfic shield with it.

The only board that im running is a Arduino Mega 2560 a 9 volt battery along with it and the cable connected to the laptop

When you say "stopped", does it mean that the program reset, or did the Arduino power down?

Not, by any chance a PP3 battery intended for use in smoke alarms ?

Enough current to run the servos and Arduino, and the servos should not be powered from the Arduino 5V pins anyway as they are not designed to supply the required current even if it were available

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program reset

im new to the whole arduino board diagram of what you should, shouldnt do on a arduino. Any advice on to what I need to add to the board?

A simple solution is to attach a capacitor between the reset and ground lines. This will prevent the automatic reset. I hope this helps.

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A capacitor whats that? and is there different levels? Sorry kinda new to this whole thing.

Also second part to the question so ive been meaning to try to run the servos after disconnecting usb cable from laptop. it wouldnt complete its program ive instructed it after. Would i need a capacitor or more voltage?

As you are new to this, I recommend that you do some more research into capacitors (what they are and what they do). As a heads up, it is recommended that a 10uf capacitor between reset and ground. An online search about this should clear up your problem.

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Does it start to run normally, before resetting?

like it would run 1 out of the 5 servos slighty. it would jitter. then resets attempted to rerun the program.

Add this on top of your project.

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THANK YOU so much

its probably a stupid question but whats the reset on the arduino board for the capacitor id assume?

What is adding the capacitor meant to achieve if there is not enough current available to run the Arduino, let alone 10 servos ?

@Peruviantank Exactly what type of battery are you using and how are the servos connected to the Arduino and how are they powered ?


the servos are connected to the digital pwms all 10 on the arduino mega2560 and its Energizer 9V Batteries, Premium Alkaline

Much as I suspected - see reply #3

  • That battery is totally unsuitable to power a Mega, let alone 10 servos
  • don't power the servos from Arduino pins. Doing so may damage them
  • servos do not need to be used with PWM pins if you use the Servo library. Any digital pin will do

Each servo may take up to 1 amp when starting to move or when stalled so potentially you need power supply capable of supplying 10 amps at 5 volts

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i wouldnt think a 9 volt would suffice. Any recommendation of what type of battery to run all 10 servo motors

Did you power the servos themselves with the 9V? Most servos can't withstand 9V. Usually 5 or 6V.
Wire the external servo battery power in parallel with the servos and remember to connect the grounds all together between Arduino, battery, servos. Also which 10 servos? You should be ok with 4xD cell alkaline batteries for 6V fully charged, just be sure your servos can handle 6V.
Also, get things up and running (don't change code, no need) with say, 4 servos, then 6, then 8 then 10.

9V is plenty

The problem is not voltage it's current

Do you understand the difference ?