105 Potentiometer


Newbie here :slight_smile: What are the different resistances I can get with this potentiometer: 0.1W 50V Horizontal 105 1M Ohm Blue & White Adjustable Resistor - Blue + White (10-Piece) - Free shipping - DealExtreme

I guess it's related to the numbers 1, 0, 5, but I'm not sure in what way exactly.

it is 1 megohm. 105 is 10 and 5 more zeros (so 10 * 10^5 = 1*10^6. capacitors are often marked the same way

Thanks :slight_smile: So, the knob rotation is smooth? I somehow thought it only had 3 steps.

Thanks :slight_smile: So, the knob rotation is smooth? I somehow thought it only had 3 steps.

it's a trim pot really rather than a knob. You adjust it with a screwdriver.
