10V from Arduino

I want to pass 10V from Arduino to one Component.
Is it possible? If yes then How
Pls help I am a beginner of Arduino


Yes, but it helps if you tell us what kind of component it is, what kind of Arduino and what kind of power supply you intend to use.

I want to blow up PC fan with it

Hehe, I don't think so :wink:

But I think I understand what you mean.

Does this mean you will be using a standard 80mm computer fan with 3 leads (black/yellow/red) and the power supply inside the computer? If so, can you confirm this will be 12V and not 10V?

If 'yes' to the above, this will be what you need:

Thanks for your Reply but the fan which I have that has only 2 Wire One positive and 1 Negative what to do

Two wire is OK and will work with the schematic I showed above.

A lot of the questions you're about to ask are probably answered on this page: Using MOSFETS with TTL levels (5 Volt and 3.3 Volt) – Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32 & Raspberry Pi stuff.
Please give it a thorough read.

@krishna_agarwal Installation and Troubleshooting is for Problems with the Arduino itself NOT your project. It says so in the description of the section. Therefore I have moved your post here. Please be more careful where you post in future.

You may want to read this before you proceed:-
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Can I do the same with this?

Can I do the Same without any extra component?

Yes, provided the assumptions I made earlier are indeed correct.

Sorry, but you are not getting my point I want to rotate PC Fan without MOSFET.
My PC fan has 2 Wire one GND and another 5V is it possible to do the same and rotate PC fan with Arduino?

Do as above and change supply to 5v

The Arduino I/O pins are rated for 40mA "absolute maximum" with 20mA recommended maximum. That's enough to power one or two LEDs but not enough for a fan. Do you have the current (mA) rating for your fan?

You'll potentially fry your Arduino, plus you won't be getting the full 5V when you "overload" it.

And even if the Arduino could supply the current you'd at-least need a flyback diode with a motor, or with any inductive load.

Ok, then use an NPN transistor.



Just to explain it somewhat further: No! :astonished:

You need a FET as in reply #4.

Interesting that fan has two wires in a 4-pin connector, and is specified at 12 V, not 10 as one would of course expect. The usual current draw - not specified on the label - is 150 mA, and it is a brushless fan so does not require the diode across it.

Can I rotate with L293d motor shield ?

In theory yes. But you do loose a lot of voltage across one of those so there might not be enough left to rotate the motor. Especially given you are trying to turn a 12V fan with only 10V.

Finding suitable MOSFET may be a bit complicated. But nearly any NPN transistor in a breadboard-friendly TO-92 package will work well here. Use 220 or 330 Ohm Base resistor. Of course you need the "high" voltage source.

And just why or how would finding a logic level mosfet be complicated........???