125khz to 433mhz

Hi I’m trying to receive a 125khz signal transmit it to 433mhz then back to 125 khz

Can you describe this signal and how an Arduino is involved with this project?

I’m going to use 2 arduino uno to transmit receive between each other maybe with a up/down mixer to relay it

What is the project actually trying to do ?

And you do need to describe what the signals are ?

With a mixer, you have NO need for an Arduino or any other processor. You only need to take care of the unwanted biproducts of the mixing.

No help at all really.

Exactly what you have been describing. NO Arduino or other processor needed, just mixers and filters. And of course, the necessary oscillators. None of which need or use an Arduino.

What it you are designing and want it to do?

Most signals that exist at 125 kHz would be illegal to transmit on 433 MHz. ISM is not a "block party", there are still strict rules to follow.

I go even further and say ALL signals at 125kHz would be illegal at 433 without an amateur radio license or a government sponsored radar development project.

Yes, because in the vast majority of countries, type approval is required to operate such a device. I was only thinking about duty cycle though...

I have a amateur radio license

Fantastic. QSL. What are you making, and why? We need to know that, just to answer the question meaningfully.

I think though, your licence does not grant you the privilege of exceeding the ISM duty cycle requirements because it breaks the rule of not interfering with other users of the band.

You should know that!

You can already attach a common TX/RX module set to an Arduino pair and communicate, so what are you up to?

Check to see whether 125 kHz and 433 MHz are legal amateur bands in your country.

JR, some bands have shared allocation... also 125kHz is just the IF frequency...

To extend the range of tracking my dog

What transmission protocol? Duty cycle? Transmit power?

Also, that is a very thin description of your project in general. Are you transmitting GPS coordinates? How often? Let's cut this game of 100 questions. What are you planning?

That should have been the response to reply #2.

To send data from my dog to my 433mhz receiver and relay it back at 125khz

Does the data from your dog consist of "woof woof", or?... also does your dog have an amateur radio license?

Okay, joke, but seriously... you are not cooperating at all (you are not answering simple questions). We need more information to help you. Put it all in one post so we don't have to play this ridiculous game. It's requested in the forum guidelines.

I doubt that will work at all.