128 led matrix and 2 interrupts

i want to buit a 'opensprint.org' like system for our fix gear bike club. but instead of using a computer we want a standalone system with 2x60 led to show how the race goes.

now the question:
if i use 2xmax7221 with ledControl.h to drive the leds, can i still use interrupts for reading hall sensors? the max rpm of the wheels is about 400rpm which is about 7Hz.

this is my first project with led matrix, i am not sure if the arduino is fast enough to read the sensors without missing a 'tic' and to display everything... :-?
what happens if i detach the interrupts while updating the display and an interrupt occures ?

thanks for your answer.

The LedControl-libn does not use any timers or other interrupt sources. Updating the display will get slower if the board is busy doing other things that all.

Detaching interrupts will not interfere with the LedControl code.

thank you for your answer.
i thaught using this tutorial Arduino Playground - MultiplexMAX72xx driving the leds.
they use ISR to enable/disable the 7221. so was not sure...
they say:
"Because the ISR is running you will find that things like generating a tone with a piezo, or reading an IR detector will not work, or not work well. The solution is to stop the ISR before using these devices - stopISR(), and restart the ISR when done - startISR()."

i will buy a 7219 tomorrow (can't get a 7221 in town) and try it.
stress testing the interrupts. i thing it will be fast enough...

schöne grüsse, simon

My statement is only true for the LedControl library.
If you use any other lib ypou have to check with thier sources/authors.
