128x64 SPI cheap OLED display glitched out

I've wired everything correctly, I think.

I'm using the default adafruit setup, straight from the example.

My OLED looks like this:

I tried it with a different brand of OLED, which meant rewiring everything differently. I got exactly the same result.


Show the code you are using and the specs on the screen. I had to edit the library a little for my oled to work.


It's literally just the example project for adafruit. Not sure what specs to provide! What did you change for yours?

The OLED screen image suggests you are driving the display with 5V logic levels which upsets the OLED driver chip.

If that is the case, try adding 10K series resistors to all data lines.

Now it's just dead :frowning:


I found a beautiful article!!!!

Documentation getting started:

The problem is, it's a dirt cheap display