Schema - Copy_bb.pdf (1.6 MB)
how can I implement a 5V/12V fan into this schematic? Should I use a different power supply and control the fan with a MOSFET?
Is a particulate matter sensor.
Since you can step down the 9V to 5V, I would buy a 5V fan and control it with a MOSFET or transistor, depending on the current it needs.
You may be able to use the same type of transistor that you are using for the buzzer.
Nice coloration in the picture but I cannot follow it nor can I read it. Hint I do not have parts that look like that. Posting an annotated schematic instead of a frizzy would help us help you. Does that 5V fan draw 125.76 Amps or maybe 0.001 Amps, I could guess wrong. Implementing it could be easy to impossible. What is powering this thing now? What is the fan to do? More information would help.
schema.pdf (116.6 KB)
There is an error that i had fixed, the resistors on my voltage divider are switched up.
I was thinking about power supplying the fan from a battery and control it by using a MOSFET.
I would also consider buying a dc step down voltage to power up the sensors from a power supply, not from arduino. After that, i should connect every digital/analog/uart/i2c port to arduino and common ground them, right?
You could do that. So now you need a 12V battery for a 12V fan.
I would also consider buying a dc step down voltage to power up the sensors from a power supply, not from arduino.
Might be a good idea since the PMS5003 could draw up to 100mA and the MH-Z19B up to 150mA
Way to much for he Mega 2560
And then should i power supply all the sensors and arduino from the same power supply? And then , should i power supply the arduino on the 5v pin since the vin pin needs between 6-12 V?
So you want to have just one 5V power supply and not a 9V supply with a 5V step-down?
I want a 9v to 5v step down in order to keep the Arduino's voltage regulator intact. After that i redirect the power towards the sensors and the Arduino.
@jon747 Are you working with @greg123321 ?
yes, we are colleagues.
OK, it gets confusing when someone else is answering my questions.
Then using 9V to power the Mega to Vin and then using a 9V to 5V buck regulator to power everything else is a good idea.
So we can use a single 9v power supply.
The 9V will be connected to the Arduino Vin and to the 9V to 5V buck regulator.
I would buy a 9V plug in wall adaptor with at least a 1A rating.
Exactly like that
Thanks. Now i have to figure out how do make it practically.
Well you have a good schematic so far.
The solderless breadboards are OK for experimenting but for something permanent you will want to make something with soldered connections on strip board or protoboards.
- Select a Power Supply: If your existing power supply doesn't provide the required voltage for the fan, you'll need a separate power supply. Ensure that the power supply can deliver enough current to meet the fan's requirements.
- Choose a MOSFET: Select a MOSFET that can handle the voltage and current requirements of the fan. Make sure it's a logic-level MOSFET if you plan to control it directly from a microcontroller or similar logic-level signal source.
- Design the Circuit: Here's a basic schematic of how you could integrate the fan using a MOSFET: