Ok sorry If I wasn't specific enough
Clearly there is some language miscommunication here.
Obviously you HAVE NOT made anything, yet...because you are asking us HOW TO wire it.
No, I've done everything in 12v. The driver is is working properly, motor too, I can drive the speed and direction. What I want is to increase the voltage of the motor (the h-bridge) without increasing the voltage of the driver.
Be specific. "Electronics" ? (means what ?). If you mean "driver chip" then SAY "driver chip."
Yes, I mean the driver and everything around it (caps, resistor, diode,...)
Did you UNDERSTAND page 3 ?
(meaning, specifically, can you fill in the blanks ?
I use 100k resistor for the H/LDEL, some decoupling caps for the driver itself, I didn't put any resistor to the mosfet gate in increase the switching speed and I control both input individually, I don't want an inverting circuit. And arduino is to control the driver. The only thing I don't really know is the "optional current controller"
1- exactly what device is used for the logic inverter ?
2- exactly what is the device shown at the bottom and what is the function of the circuit it's components comprise ?
3- What would be the most logical assumption as to the specific electrical specifications of the resistors
in the current path of the H-bridge ?
4- What is the MOST IMPORTANT concern (bar none) of a designer when designing a high power H-bridge ? (hint: what ,EXACTLY is he trying to avoid ?)
5- What heatsink(s) would you spec for the mosfets ?
6- What is your expected power dissipation for your load ?
7- You have completely omitted any data or specs for the motor. Do you think that maybe that is something we might have "need to know " ?
8- You posted on the arduino forum, but have yet to mention an arduino in this scenario. Where (or rather "what ") is the arduino ?
9- Have you given any thought to the discrepency between the output voltage of an arduino and the input voltage of the driver ? How do you plan to resolve that ? (part number ?)
10- Why are there two power pins (VCC (pin-15) and VDD (pin-16) on the driver chip ? What voltages should you use on those pins to meet the criteria you specified in your post ?
How would you achieve that ?
1- None (arduino)
2- A current controller? I don't what that (i think)
3- Control the current? In case of shorts?
4- shoot-through (shorts)
5- None, for now my motor don't have load and the mosfets don't get warmer than room temp, I will add some heatsink when I will need it.
6- I dont know yet
7- The motor are Bosch EV Warrior
8- Arduino is controlling the driver
9- I haven't really think about that. I plug directly the arduino to the driver (BLI/ALI) with a pull down resistor. It's working well.
10- To power the driver (and gate of the mosfet), 12v
Would you care to explain why the DATASHEET for the driver shows the H-BRIDGE powered by 80V (more than triple your 24V) and the "driver chip" powered by 12V ? Would you expect a company with the reputation like Intersil to post a schematic of a circuit that would burn up ? How do you explain that ?
I don't know but it's looking somehow at what I want but 24v and not 80v (I guess the 80v is a max)
I cannot simply supply the h-bridge with 24v and the electronics with 12v directely because the connections between my bridge and driver will burn everything that work on 12v.
Can you explain (in electronics terminology ) how you came to this conclusion ?
I burned down my HIP4081A and two mosfet.
And I'm french, I'm trying my best to be as understandable as possible.
If you ahve any question or solution for what I want to do, please yourself.