I have a 12v IR receiver and 5v RF transmitter that i want to connect to a Nano 33 IOT. Both are above digital input voltage, so i need to do something about that; but my knowledge of electronics is limited. Does anyone know how i can protect the Arduino?
Level converter is the keyword. If you don't know which type you need you must provide a link to the details of your hardware.
Well there isn’t much info on the device since it’s meant to be purchased for an AV IR repeater kit. This is what it says in the manual.
Power supply will be 12v connected to VIN and IR extender. I found a 3.3v RF transmitter so no special needs there anymore.
This isn't enough information to give you hints how to connect it to your Arduino. I would try to power it with the 12V and measure the output you get on the yellow/white wires using a scope (given it has big enough input voltage range).
I don’t have a scope unfortunately. If i put in a voltage divider from 12v to 3.3v, there is no risk in trying right? Worst that could happen is that it doesn’t work?
Can't you get one from a friend?
There's a risk as you have not clue about signal level and reference voltages. The voltage may be negative...
No, worst that could happen is that you destroy all your hardware. Not so probable but possible.
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