I would like to know if it’s possible to use a Pico board to control a set of 15 inputs that output 15 outputs as each is received,.
The 15 output channels would drive a LED with momentary button press and turns off all the other LED outputs off except for the one pressed. So button 1 pressed, LED 1 on. Button 3 pressed, LED 3 comes on etc, thank you. Is this possible please,
So it’s a button follow type feature for a Wurlitzer organ I have, the keyboards have 15 buttons each below the keys, these are called pistons. These pistons illuminate when pressed, I would like the last piston pressed to stay on and any previous ON buttons off?
However 30 inputs / outputs is more than the Pico has, so you will need some sort of port expansion chip, like a shift register to multiplex your signals.
Also it is possible to do this using Pico without any additional chips/modules, by organising your buttons and LEDs as a matrix.
For example a 5x3 matrix would need only 3 pins for the LEDs, 3 pins for the buttons and 5 pins to scan the rows/columns of the matrix.
Question: would only 1 button ever be pressed at any instant in time? Or could another button be pressed at a time when a previous button had not yet been released?
With a 5x9 matrix, you would need 5 pins for LEDs, 5 pins for buttons and 9 pins for row/column scanning. 19 pins in total. I think a single Pico has enough for that, depending on how many pins are required for other functions.
There are many ways to increase the number of inputs/outputs available on a controller.
Using matrices can avoid the need to add additional chips, as I mentioned before.
There are also i/o expander chips that use i2c or SPI bus, like pcf8574, pcf8575, mcp23008, mcp230S17 and more.
Can you tell us more about the electronic parts of the organ? Is there a PC/laptop behind the scenes? How is it interfaced with the organ at the moment?
Yes, but there are expert coders on the forum, and experts on Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc. for example @Grumpy_Mike. The forum won't do all the hard work for you, but as long as you are willing to learn you will get unlimited help.