15 Volt PSU For Beginner Arduino Project

Hello all,

I am a beginner doing an Arduino Uno project with a photodiode (linked here: FCI-INGAAS-1500 OSI Optoelectronics, Inc. | Sensors, Transducers | DigiKey) in combination with an op-amp (linked here: OPA124PA Texas Instruments | Integrated Circuits (ICs) | DigiKey Marketplace). The op-amp requires a 15V power supply, and after searching online for external power supplies, I can only seem to find ones for breadboarding in the 5-12V range. Does anyone know a good 15V external power supply unit that I can use with a breadboard?

Thank you!

Op amps typically run on a wide range of voltages, and the OPA124A is no exception. It will run on +/-5V.

However, it is a poor choice for your application because it is an old design, and not "rail to rail", meaning that the input and output voltages are restricted to be much less than the power supply voltages.

For a beginner photodiode project any modern rail to rail op amp would be a better choice. The MCP6002 (dual, still available in DIP package) should be fine and can operate on a single, 5V supply.

Or you could be like me and use LM324's for everything because you got 100 of them for $0.10 each a long time ago :slight_smile:

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Alas, $0.44 for the dual MCP6002 in 8 pin PDIP package.

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