I have read many articles about PWM LED drivers and Arduino.
The thing is that I do not need PWM dimming. I need to selectively turn on or off one, several or all of 16 LEDs.
I also have only one PWM pin left on arduino (for example TLC5940 requires 3 PWM pins to function).
What solution would you recommend? Preferably with existing library and tutorial Thanks
Can be 74HC595, TPIC6C595, TPIC6B595 - how much current do the LEDs need?
Don't forget current limit resistors.
That's the nice thing about the PWM controllable chips, they control current and generally only1 resistor is needed.
Example, WS2803. You do have to send more data out, 16 bytes vs 2 bytes.
What is SPI.transfer() function in your code?
Ok. Found the library SPI - never used it before.
This is explanation: SPI - Arduino Reference
I use UNO. According to the library description page SPI communication requires pins 10 - 13. I do not have this pins available.
What is the application for your UNO that has taken all your I/O pins?
If we know what you are trying to accomplish we may be able to suggest some short cuts.
Can you please post a copy of your circuit, in CAD or a picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png?
What is the application for your UNO that has taken all your I/O pins?
If we know what you are trying to accomplish we may be able to suggest some short cuts.