For a school project, I need to controll a high torque heavy motor. I've chosen to obtain this motor from a drill. The motor type is a RS550-16V DC motor. How do I connect this type of motor safely to an Arduino? I can find many tutorials for a 12V DC motor, but I can't seem to find 16V anywhere.
Basically the same. Just check that whatever components they say are good for 12V are good for the 16V of your motor and its current
For a brushed DC motor voltage is less important than the motor stall current specification. That is the main thing that you need to know to choose a motor driver. The motor data sheet should list the stall current. If it does not, you can estimate the stall current by measuring the motor coil resistance* and using the formula: stall current = motor supply voltage / measured coil resistance.
Use a logic level MOSFET (and flyback diode) to drive a motor in only one direction of rotation or a H-bridge for bi-directional rotation. Pololu has a wide selection of motor drivers.
*Take several measurements, rotating the motor a bit between measurements, and keep the lowest measurement.
Drill motors have high current requirements, they are designed to run from high power LiPo packs,
so you'll have difficulty powering it other than with the original battery (16V 40A or similar power supplies are
rare and expensive).
The kind of current involved means a very low on-resistance MOSFET or H-bridge is required, its really
important to know the stall current before making any decisions.
For a school project, I need to controll a high torque heavy motor. I've chosen to obtain this motor from a drill. The motor type is a RS550-16V DC motor. How do I connect this type of motor safely to an Arduino? I can find many tutorials for a 12V DC motor, but I can't seem to find 16V anywhere.
Does this mean you are taking the motor out of the drill case? How do you plan to mount the motor. If not solidly mounted to something that will not move, you will have a runaway motor. They have huge torque and will try their best to turn over and over.
I'm planning on using the 16V battery that belongs to the drill as a power supply. Recently I've found this tutorial: and I want to recreate the "Arduino and L298N" example. Is this possible?
I repeat:
The kind of current involved means a very low on-resistance MOSFET or H-bridge is required, its really
important to know the stall current before making any decisions.
The L298 is way way underpowered for a drill motor though, that's for sure.
The L298N is a dual H-Bridge motor driver which allows speed and direction control of two DC motors at the same time. The module can drive DC motors that have voltages between 5 and 35V, with a peak current up to 2A.
The above is a quote taken from the page that you linked. Is the peak current under 2A?
This motor? Forget an L298.