Thank you for the reply Mr. Fungus (great name, BTW.) Actually I am sorry for not supplying more info. Very dumb of me. This just really stressed me out. I will get all of that together and reply with it as soon as I can.
For now, here's my wiring diagram. Yes I know it's a bit overkill, but I like to do it this way.
To answer a question, the gibberish is random, although parts of what is suppose to be printed shows up (and sometimes even in reverse order.) I've never seen this display do that.
The entire original untouched code is below.
Thank you again.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Servo.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7); // Use these pins for the 1602 lcd
const int SW_pin = 8; // digital pin connected to switch output
const int X_pin = A0; // analog pin connected to X output
const int Y_pin = A1; // analog pin connected to Y output
int MenuNr = 0; // Menu number
int PhotoNr = 2; // The amount of photos that have to be taken
bool Flag1 = 0; // This flag is only active during 1 program cycle (prevents constantly adding/subtracting 1 to the menu number when the joystick is pushed to the side)
bool Flag2 = 0; // This flag is only active during 1 program cycle (prevents constantly adding/subtracting 2 to the photo number when the joystick is pushed up or down)
bool Flag3 = 0; // This flag is only active during 1 program cycle (prevents constantly adding/subtracting 1 to the RPM when the joystick is pushed up or down)
bool Flag4 = 0; // This flag is only active during 1 program cycle (prevents constantly adding/subtracting 1 to the turn number when the joystick is pushed to the side)
bool Flag5 = 0; // This flag is only active during 1 program cycle (prevents constantly adding/subtracting 1 to the RPM when the joystick is pushed up or down)
bool Flag6 = 0; // This flag is only active during 1 program cycle to clear the lcd
int SwMenu = 0; // Switch menu (Sub menu's in the main menu's)
bool BtnFlag = 0; // This flag is only active during 1 program cycle (prevents constantly adding of 1 to SwMenu when button is pressed)
const int stepsPerRevolution = 2048; // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution
int FullRev = 14336; // 1 full revolution of the big gear -> Small-Big gear ratio is 7:1
int rolePerMinute = 15; // Adjustable range of 28BYJ-48 stepper is 0~17 rpm
int PhotoTaken = 0; // Amount of photo's that have been taken
int StepPerPhoto; // Amount of steps per photo (calculated -> see MenuNr 0/SwMenu 2)
int TurnNr = 1; // Amount of turns
int CurrentTurn = 0; // Stores current turn number
int Steps = 0; // Amount of individual steps the stepper motor has to turn
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 9, 11, 10, 12); // Use these pins for the stepper motor
Servo Servo1; // Define Servo1 as a servo
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2); //Lcd setup
pinMode(SW_pin, INPUT); //Set pushbutton as input
digitalWrite(SW_pin, HIGH); //Set SW_pin High
myStepper.setSpeed(rolePerMinute); //Set RPM of steppermotor
Servo1.attach(3); //Attach servo to pin 3
Servo1.write(90); //Move servo to mid possition
lcd.setCursor(4, 0); //Startup screen start
lcd.print("Welcome!"); // """"" //
lcd.setCursor(1, 1); // """"" //
lcd.print("Software: V1.6"); // """"" //
delay(3000); // """"" //
lcd.clear(); // """"" //
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // """"" //
lcd.print("Designed by"); // """"" //
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); // """"" //
lcd.print("Brian Brocken"); // """"" //
delay(2000); // """"" //
lcd.clear(); //Startup screen end
void loop() {
int XValue = analogRead(X_pin); // Read the analog value from The X-axis from the joystick
int YValue = analogRead(Y_pin); // Read the analog value from The Y-axis from the joystick
int SwValue = digitalRead(SW_pin); // Read the digital value from The Button from the joystick
if (MenuNr < 0){ //This sets the min number of menu's
MenuNr = 0;
else if ( MenuNr > 2){ //This sets the max numbers of menu's
MenuNr = 2;
if (XValue < 400 && Flag1 == 0 && SwMenu == 0){ //if the joystick is pushed to the right side and flag1 is 0 then 1 will be added to the menu number (purpose of the flag -> see comment Flags above)
MenuNr = MenuNr + 1;
Flag1 = 1;
if (XValue > 600 && Flag1 == 0 && SwMenu == 0){ //if the joystick is pushed to the left side and flag1 is 0 then 1 will be subtracted from the menu number (purpose of the flag -> see comment Flags above)
MenuNr = MenuNr - 1;
Flag1 = 1;
if (XValue > 399 && XValue < 599 && Flag1 == 1){ //if joystick is at neutral possition, flag1 is set to 0 (purpose of the flag -> see comment Flags above)
Flag1 = 0;
if (SwValue == 0 && BtnFlag == 0){ //if the button is pressed and the flag is 0 -> add 1 to menu
SwMenu = SwMenu + 1;
BtnFlag = 1;
if (SwValue == 1 && BtnFlag == 1){ //if the button is not pressed and the flag is 0 -> Reset the flag (purpose of the flag -> see comment Flags above)
BtnFlag = 0;
if (MenuNr == 0){ //Menu0 program
if (SwMenu == 0){ //Menu 0 selected
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
if (SwMenu == 1){ //entered menu 0
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Nr of photo's");
lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
if (YValue < 400 && Flag2 == 0){ //joystick up -> Add 2 to number of photo's
PhotoNr = PhotoNr + 2;
Flag2 = 1;
if (YValue > 600 && Flag2 == 0){ //joystick down -> Subtract 2 from number of photo's
PhotoNr = PhotoNr - 2;
Flag2 = 1;
if (YValue > 399 && YValue < 599 && Flag2 == 1){ //if the Y-axis is back at it's neutral possition -> Flag3 = 0 -> Prevents constant adding or subtracting of 2
Flag2 = 0;
if (PhotoNr < 2){ //Min allowable Nr of photo's
PhotoNr = 2;
if (PhotoNr > 200){ //Max allowable Nr of photo's
PhotoNr = 200;
if (SwMenu == 2){ //Program started
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Program started");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Photo Nr: ");
StepPerPhoto = FullRev / PhotoNr; //Calculate amount of steps per photo
if (PhotoTaken < PhotoNr){
myStepper.setSpeed(rolePerMinute); //Set motor speed
myStepper.step(StepPerPhoto); //move the calculated amount of steps
PhotoTaken = PhotoTaken + 1; //Add 1 to photos taken
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Photo Nr: "); //Taking photo's
if (PhotoTaken == PhotoNr){ //If the amount of photos taken is equal to the amount of photos that have to be taken -> Program finished
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Program finished");
lcd.clear(); //Rest parameters
PhotoTaken = 0;
PhotoNr = 2;
SwMenu = 0;
Steps = 0;
if (MenuNr == 1){ //Menu1 program
if (SwMenu == 0){ //Menu1 selected
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
if (SwMenu == 1){ //Entered menu1 - sub menu1
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("motor speed");
lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
if (YValue < 400 && Flag3 == 0){ // joystick up -> Add 1 RPM
rolePerMinute = rolePerMinute + 1;
Flag3 = 1;
if (YValue > 600 && Flag3 == 0){ // joystick down -> Subtract 1 RPM
rolePerMinute = rolePerMinute - 1;
Flag3 = 1;
if (YValue > 399 && YValue < 599 && Flag3 == 1){ //if the Y-axis is back at it's neutral possition -> Flag3 = 0 -> Prevents constant adding or subtracting of 1
Flag3 = 0;
if (rolePerMinute < 1){ //Min allowable RPM
rolePerMinute = 1;
if (rolePerMinute > 17){ //Max allowable RPM
rolePerMinute = 17;
if (SwMenu == 2){ //Entered menu1 - sub menu2
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Nr of turns");
lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
if (YValue < 400 && Flag4 == 0){ // joystick up -> Add 1 turn
TurnNr = TurnNr + 1;
Flag4 = 1;
if (YValue > 600 && Flag4 == 0){ // joystick down -> Subtract 1 turn
TurnNr = TurnNr - 1;
Flag4 = 1;
if (YValue > 399 && YValue < 599 && Flag4 == 1){ //if the Y-axis is back at it's neutral possition -> Flag3 = 0 -> Prevents constant adding or subtracting of 1
Flag4 = 0;
if (TurnNr < 1){ //Min allowable amount of turns
TurnNr = 1;
if (TurnNr > 200){ //Max allowable amount of turns
TurnNr = 200;
if (SwMenu == 3){ //Program started
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Program started");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Turns done: ");
if (CurrentTurn < TurnNr){
CurrentTurn = CurrentTurn + 1;
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Turns done: ");
if (CurrentTurn == TurnNr){ //If the current turn is equal to the amount of thurns that need to be turned -> program finished
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Program finished");
lcd.clear(); //Reset
CurrentTurn = 0;
PhotoNr = 1;
rolePerMinute = 15;
SwMenu = 0;
Steps = 0;
if (MenuNr == 2){ //Menu2 selected
if (SwMenu == 0){
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Manual control");
if (SwMenu == 1){ //Entered menu2
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("motor speed");
lcd.setCursor(7, 1);
if (YValue < 400 && Flag5 == 0){ // joystick up -> Add 1 RPM
rolePerMinute = rolePerMinute + 1;
Flag5 = 1;
if (YValue > 600 && Flag5 == 0){ // joystick down -> Subtract 1 RPM
rolePerMinute = rolePerMinute - 1;
Flag5 = 1;
if (YValue > 399 && YValue < 599 && Flag5 == 1){ //if the Y-axis is back at it's neutral possition -> Flag3 = 0 -> Prevents constant adding or subtracting of 1
Flag5 = 0;
if (rolePerMinute < 1){ //Min allowable RPM
rolePerMinute = 1;
if (rolePerMinute > 17){ //Max allowable RPM
rolePerMinute = 17;
if (XValue < 400 ){ //if the joystick is pushed to the right side and the neutral flag is 0 then 1 will be added to the menu number (purpose of the flag -> see comment Flag1 above)
Steps = Steps + 1;
lcd.setCursor(14, 1);
Flag6 = 1;
if (XValue > 600 ){ //if the joystick is pushed to the left side and the neutral flag is 0 then 1 will be subtracted from the menu number (purpose of the flag -> see comment Flag1 above)
Steps = Steps + 1;
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
Flag6 = 1;
if (XValue > 399 && XValue < 599){ //if the Y-axis is back at it's neutral possition -> Flag3 = 0 -> Prevents constant adding or subtracting of 1
Steps = 0;
if (Flag6 == 1){
Flag6 = 0; //This flag is only active during 1 program cycle to clear the lcd
if (SwMenu == 2){ //Leave menu 2 when button is pressed
CurrentTurn = 0;
PhotoNr = 1;
rolePerMinute = 15;
SwMenu = 0;
Steps = 0;