16Khz counter to check the correct time code of an hi speed camera

I need to create a counter with arduino and about 8/10 "7 segments" display.
Then I put this displays in front of an hi speed camera with 8000 FPS to check the correct time code of every frame.

Then every 1/160000 sec I need that the counter increments and the number will be displayed on the displays.

It is possible to use arduino or other hardware to do this?
Does it supports this frequencies ?
Does the 7 segments display supports this frequencies ?

Thank You!

This will not work very good, because 7-segment displays are multiplexed. This means, only one of the 8/10 elements will be illuminated at the same time, and a 8000 FPS camera is faster than a refresh cycle Usualy the refresh is at least 30 times per second, and additionaly due to the nature of LEDs doubling the number of display elements halves the perceived brightness in human eye, but not with a high speed camera. The brightness will be at full level, but you film each single element for ca 250 frames. This will be useless. Buffering with capacitors will maybe work ... but only if the calculation is exact.
Even a film clapperboard with timecode (costs 1000 USD+) is not capable to do this.
If you reduce the refresh to 1 ms, each element will be visible for 8 frames. Reduction of refresh to 0,0125ms would do the job, but that is insane.
Not the Arduino is the limiting factor, but the display is.