I finally managed to get the LCD working, I'm showing the time/date from an RTC module, temp from a thermistor ... but...
I made the program so when I press a button it would take a picture (i have an IR LED that send commands to a camera) and on the display it shows: Picture taken Date/Time
Here is where the fun begins. After releasing the button, I get back to the time/date/temp screen but I have leftover characters from the "Picture taken Date/Time" screen.
My question is how do I delete those leftovers ?
I tried lcd.clear() but the screen just flickers so fast that it looks like it's blank... I tried writing blank spaces, and again, same problem.
My question is how do I delete those leftovers ?
I tried lcd.clear() but the screen just flickers so fast that it looks like it's blank... I tried writing blank spaces, and again, same problem.
Either of those methods, properly called/implemented, should have worked. That they didn't implies that they were not called/written correctly. We'd need to see some code, though, to know for certain.
Below, I attached the full code that currently runs on the arduino.
It is far from being complete but if I can't solve the problem with the chars I won't go further.
The actual problem I guess is within the void loop()
But all I've done is flicker the LCD so fast that it looks like it's blank...
How should i've called this function in order for the chars that were left to magically get deleted ?