This is my first time using a third party board (OSEPP R3 Plus) and an LCD screen. I've been following the guides I've found on youtube as well as on this sight but I keep running into a strange issue. At random times the LCD output will freeze and may or may not catch up later. Before this the LCD would randomly print gibberish characters (other languages, special symbols, etc) to the screen and would need to be power cycled. I tried to fix this by adding 0.2uF capacitor across pins 1 and 2 of the LCD and also by using only one line of the display (the random characters would appear on the second line usually).
I think the random characters have stopped appearing, but the screen will still freeze, and occasionally the screen goes blank instead of recovering. Is there any known solution to this issue?
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7);
const int resetPin = 8;
const int bagPin = 13;
bool bag;
int count;
bool present;
unsigned long Time;
unsigned long resetTime;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode (resetPin, INPUT);
pinMode (bagPin, INPUT);
lcd.print("COUNT: 0");
Time = 0;
resetTime = 0;
void loop() {
//check if a bag has contacted the switch
if (digitalRead(bagPin) == HIGH) {
//check if it was already there
if ((present == false) && ((millis() - Time) > 300)){
count = count + 1;
Time = millis();
//display the count on the LCD
//set present to true to stop the counter
present = true;
} else {
//if there is no bag nearby, then set present to false
present = false;
Time = millis();
For context, the idea is to use a limit switch to detect when a bag goes across a conveyor belt and then increment the count on the LCD screen.
That guide is essentially what I'm doing, but I'm just trying to do it with fewer steps and used pins. I'm just using pin 13 as the input so that it automatically turns on with the switch a a visual cue, and instead of last state and current state I'm using an if statement around a single variable called "present" which records if the switch was on (a bag was there) or off (there was no bag). I'm also "debouncing" the switch with a time dependent variable called "Time" that makes sure the state isn't allowed to change rapidly (bags are soft and the switch may click off momentarily even though it's still on the same bag). All of this works, it's just the LCD that seems to have problems.
I'll try to draw a schematic for everyone, but The wiring picture is not going to be legible. Instead of the nice straight wires for the bread board I'm using the premade wires that only come in two lengths, so it's kind of a garbled mess of a board. I should mention I'm using a 220 ohm resistor for the LCD brightness and a 10k pot for the contrast (currently set to ~2.84k ohm). I don't know the brand of the LCD because it came with a starter kit from "Sunfounder" that I received as a gift way back in high school.
The noBlink and noCursor lines are there because I noticed once that the block style cursor randomly appeared on screen, and when I tried to write to the screen when this was present it would cause the gibberish characters to appear. These lines are there to hopefully mitigate this. I'm apprehensive to remove them but if you think it's best I'll give it a shot.
I tried to fix this by adding 0.2uF capacitor across pins 1 and 2 of the LCD and also by using only one line of the display (the random characters would appear on the second line usually).
The "fix" of the capacitor - 220 or 470 µF would be more relevant - relates to suppressing impulses generated by switching a relay or solenoid and picked up by improperly secured wiring. This would generally corrupt the whole display.
So if you are not switching a relay or solenoid and the corruption specifically affects the second line, the problem is more likely in the code.
I have had a similar problem in an electrically noisy environment. There is a very recent thread on this. Suggestions:
Make sure the Arduino is properly grounded -- i.e. the GND should be connected to the electrical ground or the chassis ground of equipment. This basically solved my problem.
Also, Paul__B's solution should be implemented. A 220 uF or larger capacitor at pins 1 & 2 of the display.
Finally, if it is still freezing or displays rubbish (which is due to loss of synchronization between the display and the Arduino in nibble mode), call lcd.begin(16, 2) once every 60 seconds or so, to resync and reset the display.
And lastly, you can run the display in 8 wire byte mode rather than 4 wire nibble mode, and is should stay synchronized.
I should also add that as with the S3 in your schematic, I had a switch to ground connected to pins 6, 7, or 8 (at different times) and without a pullup resistor. I noticed that when the switch was open, the pins often read both a HIGH and a LOW at times. I was under the impression that there was an internal pullup resistor. Maybe it is there just for output and not for input. Or maybe it is due to my noisy environment. A 10K pullup resistor was added and the problem went away.
Do you mean that set the pin to INPUT, and then do a digitalWrite() to the pin with HIGH? That would be great as it eliminates a resistor and a wire. But if the pin is set to INPUT, wouldn't the digitalWrite() just be ignored?
With the hd44780_I2Cexp or hd44780_I2Clcd i/o classes,
if you leave out the i2c address or set it to zero, the library will scan the bus for it.