Hello all
I've had my Arduino for a few months now but life had kept me too busy to play with it until this week.
Now I have a lot more free time I want to proceed with a few projects which have until now only been scribbles in a notepad.
My first idea is a electronic door lock consisting of a stepper motor, keypad and LCD. I know how to use each part individually with the Arduino and I can even make some of the parts interact with each other. Which is great. But now I'm running out of outputs on my Uno.
Enter the 4051 de/multiplexer. This is where I'd like to check with the pros to find out if I'm heading down the right route. Am I correct in thinking that an 8ch 4501 will mean I can run all the above mentioned components off the same Arduino with outputs to spare? And, if I am correct, could you point me in the direction of some good reading material that will help me accomplish this? I think I know what route to take, I just need some guidance.
Many thanks and hopefully one day I'll be able to return the favour with some knowledge of my own....one day.