So I have built myself a 16x9 led display following this guy's instructions:
The hardware works and I have fully tested each led in code to make sure I can access every one individually. My problem is figuring out how to display text, numbers, images, etc on the screen. I was able to partially display the number one on the screen, however I am having issues with it ghosting leds as the code switches each row on the display. What I am finding is that there are two leds on the diagonal part that should not be there. When I run my code slowly (the delay at say 500), then I notice that the leds that are "ghosting" flicker for the briefest of moments before turning on the right leds for that row.
Here is my code:
int dataPin = 12; //B4
int latchPin = 11; //B3
int clockPin = 10; //B2
int d_clockPin = 9; //B1
int d_resetPin = 8; //B0
byte data;
//10 values, one for each pin of the decade counter
byte num1[10] = {0x08, //00001000
0x18, //00011000
0x28, //00101000
0x08, //00001000
0x08, //00001000
0x08, //00001000
0x08, //00001000
0x08, //00001000
0x3E, //00111110
void setup()
//sets up the decade/shift pins as outputs
for(int i=8; i<13; ++i)
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
//these two functions reset everything so there is blank slate
void loop()
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i){
data = num1[i]; //loads in the byte from num1[i]
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, data); //writes in the data to both shift registers
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, data);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
delay(1); //for some reason without this delay the "1" doesn't display right
decadeCount(); //switches the decade counter to the next line
decadeReset(); //resets the decade counter
//clocks the decade counter to the next pin
void decadeCount(){
PORTB |=_BV(PB1); //writes d_clockPin high
PORTB &=~_BV(PB1); //writes d_clockPin low
//resets decade counter to the first row
void decadeReset(){
PORTB |=_BV(PB0); //writes d_resetPin high
PORTB &=~_BV(PB0); //writes d_resetPin low
//resets the shift register to zero
void shiftReset(){
PORTB |=_BV(PB3); //writes latchPin low
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, 0x00);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, 0x00);
PORTB &=~_BV(PB3); //writes latchPin high