1K arduino's ?

I have googled this problem and still cannot figure out what a 1K arduino is!

So what is a 1K arduino?

With refrence to below....

[ch9702] GPS library for Arduino/Wiring by Maarten Lamers is a library for decoding (NMEA) data from any GPS receiver. It extracts all information types, such as speed, direction, location. Supports $GPRMC and all possible sentence types. Includes example programs and routines for calculating distances and directions over Earth's surface. NOTE: this library does not work on 1K Arduinos: Duemilanova, etc.

HELP! (sorry if it's a super noob question... :-[)

Well the original Duemilanova contained a AVR 168 chip which had 16k of flash and 1K of SRAM, so possibly that is the reference. Most newer Arduino boards come with or can be upgraded with the AVR 328 chip which has 32K of flash and 2K of SRAM. SRAM is used to store variables, arrays, and stack space for one's program.


1k is the amount of RAM (random access memory) on the chip. If your Arduino board uses an ATmega328 chip then you have a 2k Arduino.

Either way, check out the excellent TinyGPS library here: TinyGPS | Arduiniana