Minor irritation when copy and pasting into Excel. In 18, formatted text just needed paste for tabbed data to go in the correct column, now it needs Paste Special and paste as Text or Unicode Text.
Quite like the immediate scroll to last line when changing from Auto-scroll off to Auto-scroll on.
I strongly recommend you update to the latest version 2.0.2. There have been some significant advancements since the 2.0.0 release. The download links are listed here:
I'm not sure I understood correctly what you mean by this. Please provide a more detailed description to help me to understand it.
I think there was a related report here:
From that, it seems there is some formatting data included in the copied text.
The other issue mentioned there with newlines was resolved already:
But apparently that did not resolve this other issue.
There was a previous discussion on the subject here:
By mouse copy I mean what I think is called contextual copy.
i.e. in most blocks of text, you select the text you want to operate on and right click.
This brings down a list of available actions, usually copy, cut, paste etc.
Obviously only copy is needed from Serial Monitor.
Up until 2.0.0, I either copied (CTRL+C) a value or a line of text, or mixed.
A value would paste into Excel without any need to change the format.
Now, copying a value carries over the formatting of the value, i.e. grey and the unknown font from the Serial Monitor.
Paste takes the Serial Monitor format, but Paste Special >Text or Unicode Text gives a more satisfactory result.
It's not a great problem, but just an extra step.
Copying a line of text from the Serial Monitor also involves using Paste Special.
Ever since I started using Arduino, I would format the text by adding Tab in the SerialPrint instruction to separate text or values when pasting into Excel columns and Paste was sufficient.
Now Paste puts the whole of the selected line of text or values into one column.
Paste Special>Text or Unicode Text puts things into the correct columns.
Again, just an extra step.
I analyse most data in Excel.
There is an interesting feature in Excel 365 at least as an Add-in called Microsoft Data Streaming which I yet to try out. By the looks of it, it only takes in one value.