2.0.0 not loading windows 10

I would like to start using 2.0.0 but it hangs on the splash screen. This is a fresh install, it has never run on my laptop. I suspect it is related to proxy settings as I had to manually enter proxy settings to download libraries, etc in 1.8.x. Is there is a way to change these settings in 2.0.0 via file editing or command prompt? It's also possible I'm on the wrong path with my issue so here is the PowerShell output;

PS C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE> & ".\Arduino IDE"
PS C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE>
Starting backend process. PID: 33396
Using browser-only version of superagent in non-browser environment
Configuring to accept webviews on '^.+\.webview\..+$' hostname.
root INFO Configuration directory URI: 'file:///c%3A/Users/<my user name>/.theia'
root INFO Backend Object.initialize: 6.1 ms [Finished 2.368 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend Object.configure: 4.6 ms [Finished 2.368 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend MessagingContribution.onStart: 2.2 ms [Finished 2.368 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend OSBackendApplicationContribution.configure: 0.4 ms [Finished 2.448 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend DefaultWorkspaceServer.onStart: 0.3 ms [Finished 2.448 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend LocalizationBackendContribution.configure: 0.3 ms [Finished 2.448 s after backend start]
root WARN Backend LocalizationBackendContribution.initialize took longer than the expected maximum 50 milliseconds: 80.0 ms [Finished 2.448 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend TaskBackendApplicationContribution.onStart: 0.3 ms [Finished 2.448 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend ElectronTokenBackendContribution.configure: 2.0 ms [Finished 2.450 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend PluginDeployerContribution.initialize: 0.6 ms [Finished 2.451 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend ConfigServiceImpl.onStart: 1.4 ms [Finished 2.452 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend WebviewBackendSecurityWarnings.initialize: 0.7 ms [Finished 2.454 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend ArduinoDaemonImpl.onStart: 1.7 ms [Finished 2.455 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend NodeFileUploadService.configure: 3.3 ms [Finished 2.455 s after backend start]
daemon INFO Starting daemon from C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\arduino-ide-extension\build\arduino-cli.exe...
discovery-log INFO start
discovery-log INFO start new deferred
root INFO Backend BoardDiscovery.onStart: 1.1 ms [Finished 2.457 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend FileDownloadEndpoint.configure: 0.7 ms [Finished 2.457 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend AuthenticationServiceImpl.onStart: 0.4 ms [Finished 2.459 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend PluginApiContribution.configure: 0.5 ms [Finished 2.459 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend HostedPluginReader.configure: 0.4 ms [Finished 2.460 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend HostedPluginReader.configure: 0.1 ms [Finished 2.461 s after backend start]
root INFO Backend PlotterBackendContribution.configure: 1.9 ms [Finished 2.463 s after backend start]
root INFO Theia app listening on http://localhost:58800.
root INFO Finished starting backend application: 7.1 ms [Finished 2.467 s after backend start]
root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/<my user name>/.arduinoIDE/plugins does not exist.
root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:/c%3A/Users/<my user name>/.arduinoIDE/extensions does not exist.
root WARN The local plugin referenced by local-dir:C:\Users\<my user name>\.arduinoProIDE\plugins does not exist.
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "cortex-debug" to a VS Code extension "cortex-debug@0.3.10" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-arduino-tools" to a VS Code extension "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.2-beta.5" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-cpp" to a VS Code extension "cpp@1.52.1" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json" to a VS Code extension "json@1.46.1" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-builtin-json-language-features" to a VS Code extension "json-language-features@1.46.1" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-cs" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-cs@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-de" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-de@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-es" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-es@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-fr" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-fr@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-it" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-it@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-ja" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-ja@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-nl" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-nl@1.48.3" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-pt-BR" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-pt-BR@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-ru" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-ru@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-tr" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-tr@1.69.0" with engines:
root INFO PluginTheiaDirectoryHandler: accepting plugin with path
root INFO Resolved "vscode-language-pack-zh-hans" to a VS Code extension "vscode-language-pack-zh-hans@1.69.0" with engines:
root ERROR ---- !!!SLOW!!! DURATION: loadCliConfig took 134.971 ms. Args: [] ----
root INFO Resolve plugins list: 189.2 ms [Finished 2.647 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "cortex-debug@0.3.10" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\cortex-debug\extension\dist\extension": 8.4 ms [Finished 2.656 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-arduino-tools@0.0.2-beta.5" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-arduino-tools\extension\dist\bundle": 7.5 ms [Finished 2.664 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "cpp@1.52.1" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-builtin-cpp\extension": 13.2 ms [Finished 2.677 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "json@1.46.1" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-builtin-json\extension": 3.9 ms [Finished 2.681 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "json-language-features@1.46.1" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-builtin-json-language-features\extension\client\dist\jsonMain": 0.8 ms [Finished 2.682 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-cs@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-cs\extension": 207.1 ms [Finished 2.889 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-de@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-de\extension": 168.9 ms [Finished 3.058 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-es@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-es\extension": 260.2 ms [Finished 3.318 s after backend start]
daemon INFO {"level":"info","msg":"Using config file: c:\\Users\\<my user name>\\.arduinoIDE\\arduino-cli.yaml","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:37-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"arduino-cli.exe version 0.27.1","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:37-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Executing `arduino-cli daemon`","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:37-10:00"}

daemon INFO Daemon is running.
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-fr@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-fr\extension": 1240.2 ms [Finished 4.558 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-it@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-it\extension": 198.5 ms [Finished 4.757 s after backend start]
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 13, message: downloading builtin:ctags@5.8-arduino11 tool: Error downloading tool builtin:ctags@5.8-arduino11: Get "https://downloads.arduino.cc/tools/ctags-5.8-arduino11-pm-i686-mingw32.zip": dial tcp: lookup downloads.arduino.cc: no such host
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 13, message: downloading builtin:serial-discovery@1.3.2 tool: Error downloading tool builtin:serial-discovery@1.3.2: Get "https://downloads.arduino.cc/discovery/serial-discovery/serial-discovery_v1.3.2_Windows_64bit.zip": dial tcp: lookup downloads.arduino.cc: no such host
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 13, message: downloading builtin:mdns-discovery@1.0.6 tool: Error downloading tool builtin:mdns-discovery@1.0.6: Get "https://downloads.arduino.cc/discovery/mdns-discovery/mdns-discovery_v1.0.6_Windows_64bit.zip": dial tcp: lookup downloads.arduino.cc: no such host
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 13, message: downloading builtin:serial-monitor@0.10.0 tool: Error downloading tool builtin:serial-monitor@0.10.0: Get "https://downloads.arduino.cc/monitor/serial-monitor/serial-monitor_v0.10.0_Windows_64bit.zip": dial tcp: lookup downloads.arduino.cc: no such host
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 9, message: Error loading hardware platform: reading directory C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\builtin\tools: open C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\builtin\tools: The system cannot find the path specified.
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 9, message: Error loading hardware platform: discovery builtin:serial-discovery not installed
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 9, message: Error loading hardware platform: discovery builtin:mdns-discovery not installed
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 9, message: Error loading hardware platform: discovery builtin:serial-discovery not installed
root ERROR Detected an error response during the gRPC core client initialization: code: 9, message: Error loading hardware platform: discovery builtin:mdns-discovery not installed
daemon INFO {"level":"info","msg":"Loading hardware from: C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Loading package arduino from: C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Adding monitor tool","protocol":"serial","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00","tool":"builtin:serial-monitor"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Loaded platform","platform":{"ID":"arduino:sam","Installed":"1.6.12","Latest":"1.6.12","Name":"Arduino ARM (32-bits) Boards"},"time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Checking existence of 'tools' path: C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Loading tools from dir: C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\tools","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Loaded tool","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00","tool":{"version":"4.8.3-2014q1","systems":null}}
{"level":"info","msg":"Loaded tool","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00","tool":{"version":"1.6.1-arduino","systems":null}}
{"index":"C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\package_index.json","level":"info","msg":"Checking signature","signatureFile":"C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\package_index.json.sig","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00","trusted":true}
{"level":"info","msg":"Loading tools from dir: C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\builtin\\tools","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"dir":"C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\packages\\arduino\\hardware\\sam\\1.6.12\\libraries","level":"info","location":"platform","msg":"Adding libraries dir","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"index":"C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\library_index.json","level":"info","msg":"Loading libraries index file","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}

root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-ja@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-ja\extension": 288.5 ms [Finished 5.045 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-nl@1.48.3" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-nl\extension": 104.8 ms [Finished 5.150 s after backend start]
daemon INFO {"dir":"C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\AppData\\Local\\Arduino15\\libraries","level":"info","location":"ide","msg":"Adding libraries dir","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}
{"dir":"C:\\Users\\<my user name>\\OneDrive - Bayer\\Personal Data\\Arduino\\libraries","level":"info","location":"user","msg":"Adding libraries dir","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:39-10:00"}

root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-pt-BR@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-pt-BR\extension": 277.8 ms [Finished 5.429 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-ru@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-ru\extension": 269.7 ms [Finished 5.698 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-tr@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-tr\extension": 205.3 ms [Finished 5.904 s after backend start]
root INFO Deployed backend plugin "vscode-language-pack-zh-hans@1.69.0" from "C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\plugins\vscode-language-pack-zh-hans\extension": 337.4 ms [Finished 6.241 s after backend start]
root INFO Deploy plugins list: 189.2 ms [Finished 6.276 s after backend start]
root ERROR The primary packages indexes are missing. Running indexes update before initializing the core gRPC client
daemon INFO {"level":"info","msg":"Updating libraries index","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:42-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"URL: https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.tar.bz2","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:42-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Updating index","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:42-10:00","url":{"Scheme":"https","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"downloads.arduino.cc","Path":"/packages/package_index.tar.bz2","RawPath":"","ForceQuery":false,"RawQuery":"","Fragment":"","RawFragment":""}}

daemon INFO {"level":"info","msg":"Updating libraries index","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:42-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"URL: https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.tar.bz2","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:42-10:00"}

daemon INFO {"level":"info","msg":"Updating index","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:42-10:00","url":{"Scheme":"https","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"downloads.arduino.cc","Path":"/packages/package_index.tar.bz2","RawPath":"","ForceQuery":false,"RawQuery":"","Fragment":"","RawFragment":""}}

daemon INFO {"level":"info","msg":"Updating libraries index","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:43-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"URL: https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.tar.bz2","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:43-10:00"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Updating index","time":"2022-09-24T08:14:43-10:00","url":{"Scheme":"https","Opaque":"","User":null,"Host":"downloads.arduino.cc","Path":"/packages/package_index.tar.bz2","RawPath":"","ForceQuery":false,"RawQuery":"","Fragment":"","RawFragment":""}}

root WARN Frontend s.configure took longer than the expected maximum 100 milliseconds: 1417.2 ms [Finished 6.330 s after frontend start]
root ERROR Uncaught Exception:
root ERROR Error: 13 INTERNAL: Error downloading index 'https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.tar.bz2': Get "https://downloads.arduino.cc/packages/package_index.tar.bz2": dial tcp: lookup downloads.arduino.cc: no such host
    at Object.callErrorFromStatus (C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@grpc\grpc-js\build\src\call.js:31:26)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@grpc\grpc-js\build\src\client.js:349:49)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@grpc\grpc-js\build\src\client-interceptors.js:328:181)
    at C:\Users\<my user name>\AppData\Local\Programs\Arduino IDE\resources\app\node_modules\@grpc\grpc-js\build\src\call-stream.js:187:78
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:78:11)
root WARN Frontend C.onStart took longer than the expected maximum 100 milliseconds: 159.5 ms [Finished 6.716 s after frontend start]
[4376:0924/081635.673:ERROR:gpu_init.cc(453)] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is

Hi @sevenninety. The problem of the IDE being unable to start when access to the network is blocked by the proxy is tracked by the Arduino IDE developers here:

Yes. I'll provide instructions:

  1. Open the file at this path in any text editor:
    c:\Users\<my user name>\.arduinoIDE\arduino-cli.yaml
  2. Add the following text to the bottom of the file:
      proxy: http://<username>:<password>@<proxy>:<port>
  3. Replace <username>, <password>, <proxy>, and <port> with the correct configuration for your proxy.
  4. Save the file.

You should now be able to start the Arduino IDE.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

Thank you so much for your reply. My network uses an automatic proxy configuration, no user name or password. How would I enter that as an automatic proxy configuration URL?

Hi @sevenninety. Unfortunately I am not very knowledgeable about the subject of proxies. I have been doing some research and experimentation today, but that is my first experience with proxies so I am still very much of a newbie.

Arduino IDE 2.x does not currently have support for proxy auto-configuration (PAC) files, as you require:

I had the idea that there must be some way to get the manual configuration from that URL. I did manage it by using a random tool I found:

I have no idea of how good or safe that tool is. I'm also a bit doubtful of the general viability of my idea. The problem is that a PAC is used to determine the appropriate proxy configuration for each specific URL you access via the network. It might use a different proxy depending on what the URL is, and perhaps none at all in some cases. By default, the IDE only accesses URLs from the arduino.cc host. In this case, it might well be that a single configuration will work. However, if you add "Additiional Boards Manager URLs" in your preferences in order to install 3rd party boards platforms such as ESP8266 or ESP32, then it could access URLs from other hosts. Perhaps the configuration that applies to arduino.cc doesn't also apply to those?

Anyway, I'll share what I did in case it will be of interest:

  1. Open the automatic proxy configuration URL in your browser.
    This should cause a .pac file to download.
  2. Download the latest release of pacparser from this URL:
  3. Unzip the downloaded file.
  4. Open the unzipped pacparser-v1.4.0-windows-amd64 folder in a PowerShell terminal.
  5. Run the following command in the terminal:
    ./pactester -p <path to PAC file> -u http://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/library_index.json
  6. The tool will output something like this:
    • The IP address from the first item in the pactester output (e.g., can be used as <proxy> in the network.proxy field of the arduino-cli.yaml file.
    • The port number from the first item in the pactester output (e.g., 56444) can be used as <port> in the network.proxy field of the arduino-cli.yaml file.
    • You can omit the <username>:password>@ part if there is no username or password.

So in my example the arduino-cli.yaml entry would look like this:


It did work for me even with various 3rd party "Additional Boards Manager URLs".

Thanks @ptillisch, that did the trick! I appreciate your time and effort helping with this!

You are welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance. Hopefully the developers will be able to implement the automatic proxy configuration capability soon.

I enjoyed learning more about this subject. I will now be better equipped to help other proxy users and also able to beta test the work on the Arduino CLI/Arduino IDE 2.x automatic proxy configuration feature.


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