2.2 inch TFT Display (240x320) ILI9341 is not working

Hi everyone!

I recently purchased the 2.2 inch ILI9341 TFT Display which I want to connect to my Arduino Uno. I've followed this tutorial but I can't get it to actually display the graphics test. I'm stuck on a white screen no matter what I do. This topic seems to get the exact same problem I have, but where implementing a piece of code worked for this person, it doesn't change much for me. I do however get a response in my serial monitor which I will attach below. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? Maybe some common mistake with this model or the tutorial I used. All tips, tutorials and libraries are welcome!

*This is the exact model I'm using



Your Uno has 5V logic.
The ILI9341 requires 3.3V logic.

You must either use some form of level shifter or power the Uno at 3.3V

Personally, I buy Uno clones that have switchable 3.3V / 5V logic.

Find a tutorial that shows level shifters. e.g. resistors, buffer chips, purpose-made chips.

Then all the Adafruit library code will work 100%.


Thanks for your response!

I obtained the folowing wiring from another website:

SDO/MISO not connected
5V with 56 ohm to LED
Digital pin 13 with 1k2 to SCK and from 13 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 11 with 1k2 to SDI/MOSI and from 11 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 8 with 1k2 to DC/RS and from 8 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 7 with 1k2 to RESET and from 7 to ground with 1k8
Digital pin 9 with 1k2 to CS and from 9 to ground with 1k8
GND to ground
VCC to 5V

I only have some 1k, 10k, 150 and 82 ohms resistors at hand right now so I would have to order the above mentioned values, but should this wiring do the trick?

Use 82R instead of 56R
Use 10k instead of the 1k2.
Omit the 1k8.

Order some resistors from Ebay. e.g. 220R, 470R, 1k0, 2k2, 4k7, 10k, 22k
Order some 100nF capacitors.


I believe this is still not fully correct as it still gives me a white screen and a strange/ incorrect serial output (0x0)

I used:
SDO/MISO not connected
5V with 82 ohm to LED
Digital pin 13 with 10k to SCK and from 13 to ground
Digital pin 11 with 10k to SDI/MOSI and from 11 to ground
Digital pin 8 with 10k to DC/RS and from 8 to ground
Digital pin 7 with 10k to RESET and from 7 to ground
Digital pin 9 with 10k to CS and from 9 to ground
GND to ground
VCC to 5V



Please do not post PNG of the Serial Terminal. Copy-Paste text.

Please post a photo of your actual wiring.

Digital pin 13 with 10k to SCK and from 13 to ground

should be:
Digital pin 13 with 10k to SCK.

The Fritzing diagram is easy to follow. Just omit the 1k8 resistors on the right hand side.


Okay so I omitted the connection between pin 13/ SCK and ground but as my results don't change I know I'm still doing something wrong. I feel like I'm missing something obvious and making a stupid mistake but I can't seem to locate it.

Circuit.pdf (216 KB)

Go on. Remove the Red, Green, Yellow, Blue wires from the left hand side. When I said omit the 1k8 that means remove them leaving an open circuit. i.e. empty site.

Most 2.2 displays have a Red pcb.

You don't need to know high level electronics. But you do need to be able to draw a schematic. And most importantly, trace a signal flow by drawing arrows with a pencil.

You would see that those R, G, Y, B wires short any signal to GND. Fortunately this does no permanent harm to the display but it prevents it working.


Thanks for all the help David. Your tips in combination with a small change in my code got it to work!