2.4 inch TFT Module Color Touch Screen ECT-241199

Hi Everyone,

i bought a new 2.4 LCD TFT Screen which it's not come with any documentation.
i search a lot on the web for any piece of documentation/manual/datasheet but unfortunately i didn't find any.

more info and pic of this screen could found in the link below:

i would like to connect this screen to arduino Uno without shield(directly).

does anyone have documentation for this screen or familiar with it ? how can i operate it?
there is an option to operate it without documentation? there is exist library for it?

if not, i would like to write library for this screen on my own it's possible without datasheet??

hope someone could help me with that, any piece of info are valuable.


I dont have an answer for you, but the 6th image in that link doesn't seem correct. Is a baby holding it?

Yeah you right the 6th photo it's incorrect i wish this screen was that big but it's not.

BTW did you read display description in the middle of the page?
if no do you find something familiar for Arduino?

Looks like a bit of photoshop there.

Does your screen have any icons on the bottom that show irrespective of whether it is powered up or not?

Usually you can find your LCD on another vendors site like eBay or Amazon that come with working libraries. Give it a try. Also unless you have multiple M to F jumpers, you will need a shield.

I don't have icon but i connected it to the vcc 5V and ground and it's showing blank white picture which indicate that it's working.
my problem is that i don't know how to communicate with it which command to send and how the protocol of it works.

i searched already on the web ebay/forums/electronic sites no one have this screen with exactly jumpers. and no available datasheet.

i found site more reliable that show it's jumper more clear.

i would like to get more clear explainion of each jumper on it and how the protocol of it work.

BTW i have F to M that's no problem.

here is the link - this is exactly screen that i have - this time without photoshop :cold_sweat:

hope you could help me

try this. it is not 100% the same but it does come with an example code and pin layout.