Does somebody succeed to make this TFT 2.4 LCD Shield work?
When I run the check for display driver it returns "Unknown driver chip C0C0"
The datasheet for the driver chip appears to be this one: is for sale | HugeDomains
This thread may help: noob: Shield w/ spfd5408 controller 240x320 - I don't know which library - Displays - Arduino Forum
This shield looks very similar to the one I have.
Does yours say "" at the back?
If so, this library more or less works for me:
This shield looks very similar to the one I have.
Does yours say "" at the back?If so, this library more or less works for me:
Touch Screen Shield for Arduino UNO –
i have this EXACT LCD... this library doesnt work for me either...
So I know a lot of people are having issues with this screen like I did. I modified the libraries which ended up working for me. Heres what I have and I hope that it helps!
Working TFT (262 KB)