2.8" TFT Color LCD Module ILI9320 Rev.2

Hi everyone,

long time ago i bought the STM32F103RTB6 that came with a 2.8" TFT Color LCD Module ILI9320 Rev.2.
long story short, i bricked the STM32F103RTB6.
now i want to use the 2.8" TFT Color LCD Module Rev.2, with my arduino UNO.

the 2.8" TFT Color LCD Module Rev.2, have two BIT modes: 16bit and 8bit (I using the 8BIT).
my problem is that i don't sure what is the the right connections, and i don't have a librery to use it =(.

1th of all this is the 2.8" TFT Color LCD Module Rev.2 Pictures:

I think the connections to the arduino should be: (Please Correct me if i worng)

DB0 Pin 0
DB1 Pin 1
DB2 Pin 2
DB3 Pin 3
DB4 Pin 4
DB5 Pin 5
DB6 Pin 6
DB7 Pin 7

CS Pin A0
RS Pin A1
WR Pin A2
TP_CS Pin A4

SD_CS Pin 10
MOSI Pin 11
MISO Pin 12
SCLK Pin 13

Any help is welcome
thanks alot,

a little notice please :fearful:

I have a few modules that are very similar to yours and im going to try to get one to work with my uno. If you have any additional info please post it and I will do the same. Maybe we can figure this out. Thanks.