2.8 TFT touch shield for arduino doesn't turn on!!!

I downloaded the 2.8 Touch shield library, but when I connect the shield to the arduino and connect that to my computer, example codes compiles but doesn't upload. the shield doesn't even turn on when connected to a computer. is it defective, or am I doing something wrong?


http://www.robotshop.com/en/arduino-tft-touch-shield.html?gclid=Cj0KEQiAwMLDBRDCh_r9sMvQ_88BEiQA6zuAQ3Y15fVCRmMne6uymjp6zHIAH9vdqkFYL-KG-702JuQaAr_u8P8HAQ this is the shield

the library i got from 2.8inch TFT Touch Shield v2.0 | Seeed Studio Wiki

