Hi first post so I hope I get this right. This is my first project with multiple LED strips and effects. I have coded this project after lots of searching on here but I am a little stuck on two parts.
Hardware - Adafruit Feather M4 express, 2 neopixels strips, push to break button.
Context - I want a button to be pushed which will 'load' an LED onto a LED (strip2), the loaded LED pulses with the button case. Around the button there is also an LED (strip1) which pulses on the button case. After 3 seconds if there are more than 5 LEDs lite the group shoots down the strip to a panel. The panel then fills up with the number of LEDs. The process repeats until the panel is full which then triggers another effect.
The plan was to code strip2 into two arrays to control the effects on them, but I am unsure how to do this or if this is the right thing to do?
The other issues is the pulsing 'load' effect shows on the strip when the chase effect is running.
I will be adding more strips and effects to this project so I would like to minimize the amount of pins used if possible but please advise. Total LED strips is looking like 8 for the finished project, I have the multiplexing board for the feather, but this is with the plan to run one strip as an array with 2 effects running on it.
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
const byte Strip1PIN = 6; // pin strip 1 is connected to
const byte Strip2PIN = 12; // pin strip 2 is connected to
volatile int IRQcount = 1; // defines a volatile variable called IRQcount
int pin = 5; //attached to pin5
int pin_irq = 5; //IRQ that matches to pin
#define Strip1PIXELS 49 //number of pixels in strip 1
#define Strip2PIXELS 50 // number of pixels in strip 2
Adafruit_NeoPixel Strip1(Strip1PIXELS, Strip1PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // defines type of neopixel strip, pixels and pins for strip 1
Adafruit_NeoPixel Strip2(Strip2PIXELS, Strip2PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); // defines type of neopixel strip, pixels and pins for strip 2
int counter;
int i = IRQcount; //varialbe called i which is equal to IRQcount
int Strip1dir = 1; //number of which to change the brightness by in each loop of pulsing effect for strip 1
int Strip1bright = 20; // brightness variable for pulsing effect
int Strip2dir = 1; //number of which to change the brightness by in each loop of pulsing effect for strip 2
int Strip2bright = 20; // brightness variable for neopixel effect
// Time periods of blinks in milliseconds (1000 to a second).
const unsigned long Strip1interval = 10;
const unsigned long Strip2Effect1interval = 10;
const unsigned long Strip2Effect2interval = 10;
const unsigned long CheckIRQCountinterval = 3000;
const unsigned long Strip2Effect1clearinterval = CheckIRQCountinterval; //not sure if this is needed as it just equals another variable
// Variable holding the timer value so far. One for each "Timer"
unsigned long Strip1timer;
unsigned long Strip2Effect1timer;
unsigned long Strip2Effect2timer;
unsigned long CheckIRQCounttimer;
unsigned long Strip2Effect1cleartimer;
void setup ()
Strip1.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel Strip1
Strip2.begin(); // INITIALIZE NeoPixel Strip2
Strip1.clear(); // clear strip 1
Strip2.clear(); // clear strip 2
Strip1timer = millis (); //set timer equal to count in millis
Strip2Effect1timer = millis ();//set timer equal to count in millis
Strip2Effect2timer = millis ();//set timer equal to count in millis
attachInterrupt(pin_irq, IRQcounter, RISING); // defines the interrupt count when the pin goes high
} // end of setup
void IRQcounter() //
static unsigned long last_interrupt_time = 0;
unsigned long interrupt_time = millis();
// If interrupts come faster than 50ms, assume it's a bounce and ignore
if (interrupt_time - last_interrupt_time > 50)
IRQcount++; //add 1 to the IRQcount
last_interrupt_time = interrupt_time; //reset timer
void Strip1Effect ()
uint32_t bluefade = Strip1.ColorHSV(43650,255,Strip1bright); // defines bluefade effect
Strip1.fill(bluefade,0,49); //fills strip with blue fade effect instance
Strip1.show(); // send blue fade to the stip
Strip1bright = Strip1bright + Strip1dir; // change brightness by dir which is 1 or -1
if(Strip1bright > 100 || Strip1bright < 20) Strip1dir = Strip1dir * -1; // if brightness goes outside or range (100-20) change 'direction' of fade
// remember when we last updated strip
Strip1timer = millis ();
} // end of Strip1 effect
void Strip2Effect1 ()
uint32_t otherfade = Strip2.ColorHSV(13650,255,Strip2bright); // defines othercolour effect for strip 2
Strip2.fill(otherfade,0,IRQcount); //fills strip with other fade effect instance
Strip2.show(); // send other fade to the stip
Strip2bright = Strip2bright + Strip2dir; // change brightness of strip 2 brightness variable by 1?
if(Strip2bright > 100 || Strip2bright < 20) Strip2dir = Strip2dir * -1; // if strip 2 brightness goes outside or range (100-20) change 'direction' of fade
if ( (millis () - Strip2Effect1cleartimer) >= Strip2Effect1clearinterval){ //code to reset load effect after Strip2Effect1clearinterval
Strip2.clear(); // clear strip
IRQcount = 1; // set IRQcount back to 1
Strip2Effect1cleartimer=millis(); //reset effect timer
// remember when we last updated strip
Strip2Effect1timer = millis ();
void Strip2Effect2(uint32_t c =Strip2.ColorHSV(13650))
if (IRQcount >= 5){//if 5 of more pixels are 'loaded' do the below
if ( (millis () - CheckIRQCounttimer) >= CheckIRQCountinterval){ // scheduling for chase effect below
if (i<Strip2.numPixels()+IRQcount) i++; { // logic test if i is less than the number of pixels in strip 2 + varialbe IRQ count then add 1 to variable i
Strip2.setPixelColor(i, c); // Draw new pixel with colour c
Strip2.setPixelColor(i-IRQcount, 0); // Erase pixel IRQcount number back
Strip2.show(); // sent info to strip to display
if (i==Strip2.numPixels()+IRQcount){ // if the effect has finished do the below
CheckIRQCounttimer=millis()- (Strip2Effect2interval *Strip2.numPixels()); //reset the checkIRQ timer to current time - the time it take to do the chase effect
IRQcount = 1 ; // set IRQcount to 1
i=1; //set i to 1
Strip2.clear(); //clear strip of any previous effects
Strip2Effect2timer = millis(); // set effect timer to current counter in millis
void loop ()
//IRQcount = 6;// for testing without physical interrupt button '//' out for actual
if ( (millis () - Strip1timer) >= Strip1interval)// scheduling for strip 1 effect
Strip1Effect ();
if ( (millis () - Strip2Effect1timer) >= Strip2Effect1interval) // scheduling for strip 2 effect 1
Strip2Effect1 ();
if ( (millis () - Strip2Effect2timer) >= Strip2Effect2interval) // scheduling for strip 2 effect 1
} // end of loop