2 MPU 6050 modules: Second constantly incrementing

Hi, I am currently trying to get the angle pitch of 2 gyro sensors. The first one seems to be working fine, but the second one slowly increments itself by one even when idle. I have the arduino connected to a node MCU where the arduino sends the angles and the node MCU reads the serial data. If somebody could tell me what the problem is I would really appreciate it :slight_smile: the code is below:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h"
MPU6050 MPU1(0x68); 
MPU6050 MPU2(0x69); 
SoftwareSerial espSerial(5,6);
float str1;
float str2;
//Declaring some global variables
int gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z;
int gyro_x2, gyro_y2, gyro_z2;
long gyro_x_cal, gyro_y_cal, gyro_z_cal;
long gyro_x_cal2, gyro_y_cal2, gyro_z_cal2;
boolean set_gyro_angles;
boolean set_gyro_angles2;
long acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, acc_total_vector;
long acc_x2, acc_y2, acc_z2, acc_total_vector2;
float angle_roll_acc, angle_pitch_acc;
float angle_roll_acc2, angle_pitch_acc2;
float angle_pitch, angle_roll;
float angle_pitch2, angle_roll2;
int angle_pitch_buffer, angle_roll_buffer;
int angle_pitch_buffer2, angle_roll_buffer2;
float angle_pitch_output, angle_roll_output;
float angle_pitch_output2, angle_roll_output2;
int angle1;
int angle2;
long loop_timer;
long loop_timer2;
int temp;
int temp2;
String out1;
String out2; 
void setup() {
  MPU1.setZAccelOffset(1788); // 1688 factory default for my test chip
  setup_mpu1_6050_registers();                                         //Setup the registers of the MPU-6050 
  for (int cal_int = 0; cal_int < 1000 ; cal_int ++){                  //Read the raw acc and gyro data from the MPU-6050 for 1000 times
    gyro_x_cal += gyro_x;                                              //Add the gyro x offset to the gyro_x_cal variable
    gyro_y_cal += gyro_y;                                              //Add the gyro y offset to the gyro_y_cal variable
    gyro_z_cal += gyro_z;                                              //Add the gyro z offset to the gyro_z_cal variable
    delay(3);                                                          //Delay 3us to have 250Hz for-loop
  gyro_x_cal /= 1000;                                                 
  gyro_y_cal /= 1000;                                                 
  gyro_z_cal /= 1000; 
  loop_timer = micros(); 
  for (int cal_int2 = 0; cal_int2 < 1000 ; cal_int2 ++){                  //Read the raw acc and gyro data from the MPU-6050 for 1000 times
    gyro_x_cal2 += gyro_x2;                                              //Add the gyro x offset to the gyro_x_cal variable
    gyro_y_cal2 += gyro_y2;                                              //Add the gyro y offset to the gyro_y_cal variable
    gyro_z_cal2 += gyro_z2;                                              //Add the gyro z offset to the gyro_z_cal variable
  // divide by 1000 to get avarage offset
  gyro_x_cal2 /= 1000;                                                 
  gyro_y_cal2 /= 1000;                                                 
  gyro_z_cal2 /= 1000;                                               
  loop_timer2 = micros();                                               //Reset the loop timer

void loop(){
//  Serial.print("Angle1: ");
  out1 = read_mpu1_6050_data();
//  Serial.println(out1);
 //Subtract the offset values from the raw gyro values
//  Serial.print("Angle2: ");
  out2 = read_mpu2_6050_data();
//  Serial.println(out2);
  espSerial.print("angle1: ");
  espSerial.print("angle2: ");

void setup_mpu1_6050_registers(){

  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x6B);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.write(0b00000000);                                                    //Set the requested starting register
  //Configure the accelerometer (+/-8g)
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x1B);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.write(0b00000000);;                                                    //Set the requested starting register
  //Configure the gyro (500dps full scale)
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x1C);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.write(0b00000000);                                                   //Set the requested starting register
void setup_mpu2_6050_registers(){
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x69);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x6B);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.write(0b00000000);                                                    //Set the requested starting register
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x69);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x1B);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.write(0b00000000);                                                    //Set the requested starting register
  //Configure the gyro (500dps full scale)
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x69);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x1C);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.write(0b00000000);                                                   //Set the requested starting register

Second part of the code :slight_smile: :

int read_mpu1_6050_data(){                                             //Subroutine for reading the raw gyro and accelerometer data
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x68);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x3B);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.endTransmission();                                              //End the transmission
  Wire.requestFrom(0x68,14);                                           //Request 14 bytes from the MPU-6050
  while(Wire.available() < 14);                                        //Wait until all the bytes are received
  acc_x = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                  
  acc_y = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                  
  acc_z = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
  temp = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                   
  gyro_x = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                 
  gyro_y = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                 
  gyro_z = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read(); 
  gyro_x -= gyro_x_cal;                                                
  gyro_y -= gyro_y_cal;                                                
  gyro_z -= gyro_z_cal;                                                
  //Gyro angle calculations . Note 0.0000611 = 1 / (250Hz x 65.5)
  angle_pitch += gyro_x * 0.0000611;                                  
  angle_roll += gyro_y * 0.0000611;                                    
  angle_pitch += angle_roll * sin(gyro_z * 0.000001066);              
  angle_roll -= angle_pitch * sin(gyro_z * 0.000001066);               
  //Accelerometer angle calculations
  acc_total_vector = sqrt((acc_x*acc_x)+(acc_y*acc_y)+(acc_z*acc_z));  
  //57.296 = 1 / (3.142 / 180) The Arduino asin function is in radians
  angle_pitch_acc = asin((float)acc_y/acc_total_vector)* 57.296;       
  angle_roll_acc = asin((float)acc_x/acc_total_vector)* -57.296;       
  angle_pitch_acc -= 0.0;                                              
  angle_roll_acc -= 0.0;                                               

    angle_pitch = angle_pitch * 0.9996 + angle_pitch_acc * 0.0004;    
    angle_roll = angle_roll * 0.9996 + angle_roll_acc * 0.0004;        
    angle_pitch = angle_pitch_acc;                                     
    angle_roll = angle_roll_acc;                                        
    set_gyro_angles = true;                                            
  angle_pitch_output = angle_pitch_output * 0.9 + angle_pitch * 0.1;   
  angle_roll_output = angle_roll_output * 0.9 + angle_roll * 0.1;      
//  Serial.println(angle_pitch_output);
  angle1 = angle_pitch_output;
  return angle1;
 while(micros() - loop_timer < 4000);                                 //Wait until the loop_timer reaches 4000us (250Hz) before starting the next loop
 loop_timer = micros();//Reset the loop timer

int read_mpu2_6050_data(){                                             //Subroutine for reading the raw gyro and accelerometer data
  Wire.beginTransmission(0x69);                                        //Start communicating with the MPU-6050
  Wire.write(0x3B);                                                    //Send the requested starting register
  Wire.endTransmission();                                              //End the transmission
  Wire.requestFrom(0x69,14);                                           //Request 14 bytes from the MPU-6050
  while(Wire.available() < 14);                                        //Wait until all the bytes are received
  acc_x2 = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                  
  acc_y2 = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                  
  acc_z2 = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();
  temp2 = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                   
  gyro_x2 = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                 
  gyro_y2 = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read();                                 
  gyro_z2 = Wire.read()<<8|Wire.read(); 
  gyro_x2 -= gyro_x_cal2;                                                
  gyro_y2 -= gyro_y_cal2;                                                
  gyro_z2 -= gyro_z_cal2;                                                
  //Gyro angle calculations . Note 0.0000611 = 1 / (250Hz x 65.5)
  angle_pitch2 += gyro_x2 * 0.0000611;                                  
  angle_roll2 += gyro_y2 * 0.0000611;                                    
  angle_pitch2 += angle_roll2 * sin(gyro_z2 * 0.000001066);              
  angle_roll2 -= angle_pitch2 * sin(gyro_z2 * 0.000001066);               
  //Accelerometer angle calculations
  acc_total_vector2 = sqrt((acc_x2*acc_x2)+(acc_y2*acc_y2)+(acc_z2*acc_z2));  
  //57.296 = 1 / (3.142 / 180) The Arduino asin function is in radians
  angle_pitch_acc2 = asin((float)acc_y2/acc_total_vector2)* 57.296;       
  angle_roll_acc2 = asin((float)acc_x2/acc_total_vector2)* -57.296;       
  angle_pitch_acc2 -= 0.0;                                              
  angle_roll_acc2 -= 0.0;                                               

    angle_pitch2 = angle_pitch2 * 0.9996 + angle_pitch_acc2 * 0.0004;    
    angle_roll2 = angle_roll2 * 0.9996 + angle_roll_acc2 * 0.0004;        
    angle_pitch2 = angle_pitch_acc2;                                     
    angle_roll2 = angle_roll_acc2;                                        
    set_gyro_angles2 = true;                                            
  angle_pitch_output2 = angle_pitch_output2 * 0.9 + angle_pitch2 * 0.1;   
  angle_roll_output2 = angle_roll_output2 * 0.9 + angle_roll2 * 0.1;      
//  Serial.println(angle_pitch_output2);
  angle2 = angle_pitch_output2;
  return angle2;
 while(micros() - loop_timer2 < 4000);                                 //Wait until the loop_timer reaches 4000us (250Hz) before starting the next loop
 loop_timer2 = micros();//Reset the loop timer

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