2 PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield external power

Im working on a project where I want to connect 22 servos together. I got: -Arduino uno -2 PCA9685 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Shield -power supply 5v 10 A - can I connect two drives together with an external power source for each? because I have got two adapters which are 5v and 10 A each and won't be enough to power both the drivers.

Same project cross-posted in two other threads.




And rather even use three supplies or be damn sure to decouple the Arduino good because servo's are power hungry. No idea how many servo's you want to move at the same time but 10A for 11 moving servo's might even be borderline.

[edit]Nice job! You don't know how to connect it, don't know how to program it and you don't know how to use a forum...

We seem to have lost ten servos.

Thread locked.