2" round display

Does anyone know of a 2" round display that is known to work with the Arduino? I'd like to do an automotive gauge in a pod, and found a few round displays out there, but no indication of anyone using or controlling them yet.

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Any links?

We currently add support for the EA W128128 1.2" round OLED to u8g2: Support for EA W128128 (was: Help needed) · Issue #641 · olikraus/u8g2 · GitHub.

For any other round monochrome display you could raise an issue on the u8g2 project page and we can to add support for it.


There are round TFT displays too. From memory a 240x240 ST7789V on AliExpress.

There are no issues on using u8g2 or MCUFRIEND_kbv for a round display. Just don't bother printing to the non-existent corners.

I would worry more about the temperature and hostile environment of a motor car.


Sounds like we are working on similar projects.
I wanted the round look of a conventional guage. I used a conventional 1.8" rectangular tft but mounted behind a round opening.

The round panels will actually "fit" inside a round hole.

Of course the software will be exactly the same i.e. you still have a square or rectangular array in GRAM.
Only pixels in the round area will be visible.

Your 1.8" panel is normally 128x160. The bottom 128x32 rectangle is completely wasted. Surely a 1.44" 128x128 would be a better match.


The round panels will actually "fit" inside a round hole.

Of course the software will be exactly the same i.e. you still have a square or rectangular array in GRAM.
Only pixels in the round area will be visible.

Your 1.8" panel is normally 128x160. The bottom 128x32 rectangle is completely wasted. Surely a 1.44" 128x128 would be a better match.


That is true and in an ideal world I would use a round display but sometimes you have to use what's to hand at the time