2 Sensor and EEprom Look up table

Hey guys, i've been lurking for alittle while trying to find an answer but can't seem to get it.

It's an Automotive project.

I have a G sensor that give me an analog output for X and Y based on the combination of the 2 I'd like it to look up the value to output from EEPROM.

Ideally I'd use Excel or something similar to Write to the EEPROM so I do not need to reflash the arduino once it's set. perhaps even an external EEPROM chip.

I have everything from a Micro pro to a Due to try this on.

If someone can point me in a direction to read that would be great!

Is this table going to be static or are you going to be updating from time to time?
Eeprom is small compared with flash memory. Using an external means to write to eeprom is going to be more complex than uploading a revised sketch.
Can you give an example of the data you intend to store and also show the calculation you use to obtain it.
To load the eeprom, one way is to write a custom sketch. If the data is in excel, it is probably easiest to format it there in such a way that you can simply copy and paste it into the Arduino ide as, say, the inialisation of an array.

it would be updated from time to time there would be 4 15x15 tables

the arduino would not need to write to them, just read them.

I was hoping to use Visual basic to create a simple forms program that can write to the eeprom whenever a change is needed.

The order i see this happening in.

  1. G force sensor is read by arduino
  2. arduino looks up the value based on X and Y
  3. Arduino adjusts PWM signal to either stiffen or loosen the associated Shock.

I do Not have any code written as I have been using XOD IDE and realized i've hit my limit with it and im transitioning back to arduino IDE


Edit, I realize now I need to investigate Multi-dimensional Arrays./

If the arrays are byte arrays, four 15x15 arrays will fit in a 1 k eeprom. Otherwise an external eeprom will be required. You could even use an SD card reader which could also make transferring data from/to the PC easier.

If you are going to update the eeprom contents from time to time, then it easiest if you build something into your program which handles the eeprom updating. There are also other methods, say by using a programmer (for AVR based arduinos) but then you might as well upload a new sketch (including revised eeprom contents)

You could also consider an infrared updating mechanism or WLAN etc. However, you will still have to format the data and work out how, from the PC, you are going to send it.

Multidimensional arrays should not put you off.