2 Serial Port GPS Receive on MEGA 2560

Hi All,

I've been playing around with 2 GPS receivers on my Mega 2560. I wanted to get 1 Hz NMEA data from both units using the UARTS (serial 1 and 2) and then display it. So, based on the examples in the Tiny GPS library, I have come up with this:

#include <TinyGPS.h>
For Mega 2560
9600 baud serial GPS device hooked up on Serial 1.1Hz NMEA data.
9600 baud serial GPS device hooked up on Serial 2.1Hz NMEA data.

TinyGPS gps;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200);           //set serial monitor Port Baud rate
  Serial1.begin(9600);            //set GPS Port One Baud rate.
  Serial2.begin(9600);            //set GPS Port Two Baud rate.
  Serial.print("GPS Test: Two Port Data");

void loop()

  bool newDataOne = false;
  bool newDataTwo = false;
  unsigned long chars;

  // For 1000ms we parse GPS data and report some key values
  for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)
    while (Serial1.available())    // Port One Data available
      char c = Serial1.read();
      if (gps.encode(c))           // Did a new valid sentence come in?
        newDataOne = true;

  if (newDataOne)                  // If Port One Data available
    float flata, flona;
    gps.f_get_position(&flata, &flona);   // Get LAT, LON data

    Serial.print(" GPS 1 LAT="); Serial.print(flata, 8);
    Serial.print(" LON="); Serial.print(flona, 8);
    Serial.print(" SAT="); Serial.print(gps.satellites());
    Serial.print(" HDOP="); Serial.print(gps.hdop());
    Serial.print(" ALT="); Serial.print(gps.f_altitude());
    Serial.print(" COG="); Serial.print(gps.f_course());
    Serial.print(" Speed kmph="); Serial.print(gps.f_speed_kmph());

  // For 1000ms we parse GPS data and report some key values
    for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)
    while (Serial2.available())      // Port Two Data available
      char d = Serial2.read();
      if (gps.encode(d))             // Did a new valid sentence come in?
        newDataTwo = true;

  if (newDataTwo)                    // If Port Two Data available
    float flatb, flonb;
    gps.f_get_position(&flatb, &flonb);    // Get LAT, LON data 
    Serial.print(" GPS 2 LAT="); Serial.print(flatb, 8);
    Serial.print(" LON="); Serial.print(flonb, 8);
    Serial.print(" SAT="); Serial.print(gps.satellites());
    Serial.print(" HDOP="); Serial.print(gps.hdop());
    Serial.print(" ALT="); Serial.print(gps.f_altitude());
    Serial.print(" COG="); Serial.print(gps.f_course());
    Serial.print(" Speed kmph="); Serial.print(gps.f_speed_kmph());
    Serial.print(" LAT Diff="); Serial.print(flatb-51, 8);    //Perform a calculation on the second set of LAT data
    Serial.print(" LON Diff="); Serial.print(flonb-1, 8);    //Perform a calculation on the second set of LON data

So, whilst this works, its a bit clunky in the sense that it is synchronous and the loop has a 1 second timer on it. If I up the data rate from the GPS engine (UBlox - can go to 4Hz), how can I speed up the routine to handle the faster data rate?

Secondly, I wanted to perform a calculation between the first and second data, for example the distance between the LAT of data A and data B, but because the data is contained within their own loops, it doesn't work. In my example above I have performed data within the second loop (B) which does work just as a check. So, how can I perform the calculation?

Any help much appreciated ! Thanks.

So, whilst this works, its a bit clunky in the sense that it is synchronous and the loop has a 1 second timer on it. If I up the data rate from the GPS engine (UBlox - can go to 4Hz), how can I speed up the routine to handle the faster data rate?

Remove the "for" loop around the serial read out. The GPS library tells you when it's finished reading a complete record so there's no need to loop for one second.

Secondly, I wanted to perform a calculation between the first and second data, for example the distance between the LAT of data A and data B, but because the data is contained within their own loops, it doesn't work. In my example above I have performed data within the second loop (B) which does work just as a check. So, how can I perform the calculation?

Use two instances of TinyGPS or save the corresponding values when you print them out.

Thanks for your suggestions Pylon. I've ended up using the newer TinyGPS+ library. I've found that a lot easier to use and includes some helpful functions which means that the code is very straight forward.


Could you please post your dual GPS code using TinyGPS+ library? Did you use software serial or did you stick to hardware serial? I'm not exactly sure I know the implications of either at this point.

