2 thermistors

could someone please help me out, i want to connect two thermistors to my arduino for 2 different measurements
i have 2 10k ohm thermistors and 2 10k ohm resistors. i'm still learning C, the only problem i have is the coding.

i already got the board working with one thermistor that works great using this code:



#ifndef Thermistor_h
#define Thermistor_h

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "math.h"

class Thermistor {
		Thermistor(int pin);
		double getTemp();

		int _pin;



#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Thermistor.h"

Thermistor::Thermistor(int pin) {
  _pin = pin;

double Thermistor::getTemp() {
  // Inputs ADC Value from Thermistor and outputs Temperature in Celsius
  int RawADC = analogRead(_pin);

  long Resistance;
  double Temp;

  // Assuming a 10k Thermistor.  Calculation is actually: Resistance = (1024/ADC)
  Resistance=((10240000/RawADC) - 10000);

  /* Utilizes the Steinhart-Hart Thermistor Equation:				*/
  /*    Temperature in Kelvin = 1 / {A + B[ln(R)] + C[ln(R)]^3}		*/
  /*    where A = 0.001129148, B = 0.000234125 and C = 8.76741E-08	*/
  Temp = log(Resistance);
  Temp = 1 / (0.001129148 + (0.000234125 * Temp) + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp * Temp));
  Temp = Temp - 273.15;  // Convert Kelvin to Celsius

  /* - TESTING OUTPUT - remove lines with * to get serial print of data
  Serial.print("ADC: "); Serial.print(RawADC); Serial.print("/1024");  // Print out RAW ADC Number
  Serial.print(", Volts: "); printDouble(((RawADC*4.860)/1024.0),3);   // 4.860 volts is what my USB Port outputs.
  Serial.print(", Resistance: "); Serial.print(Resistance); Serial.print("ohms");

  // Uncomment this line for the function to return Fahrenheit instead.
  //Temp = (Temp * 9.0)/ 5.0 + 32.0; // Convert to Fahrenheit

  return Temp;  // Return the Temperature

main code:

#include <Thermistor.h>

Thermistor temp(0);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int temperature = temp.getTemp();
  Serial.print("Temperatura no Sensor eh: ");

now i want to use the second thermistor as well, so could please someone help me out and get my second thermistor to work too. that would be great!


Moderator: added a lot of code tags => # button above smileys! please use them

#include <Thermistor.h>

Thermistor temp1(A0);
Thermistor temp2(A1);

void setup() {

void loop() {
  Serial.print("Temperatura no Sensor eh: ");
  Serial.print( temp1.getTemp());

  Serial.print("Temperature of sensor 2: ");
  Serial.print( temp2.getTemp());


didnt know it was that easy..... lol

thank you john you just made my day! it works great!

works like a charm..

thanks again!