2 timer relay. How to use mills instead of delay

Hi guys, Im not a programmer, and it is my first task with Arduino, so...
The task is to create 2 relays with delay. I mean not delay(), I mean real delay =)
First "relay": Button pressed and hold. Timer count 5 secs. Led is on. When button released - led is of immediately. But in any time if button pressed again when timer counting 5secs - it should be stop and reset, led should still be ON.
Second "relay": When the button (different one of cause) pressed - led is ON, but when the button released timer starts for 10 secs, after that led is OFF. And the same for pressed button when time is counting - it should stop and reset timer.

I have created such program, but with delay() function. But I have no idea how to use mills() correctly.
Please help me with this.

And sorry for my English =( I'm not an native speaker.

Thanks in advance!

My code (comments in Russian, but the code is clear for understanding)

//???? ????????? ? ????????? ? ?????????? ? ?????????
//?????? 0.7

const int buttonPin1 = 8;//??????? "?????????"
const int buttonPin2 = 9;//??????? "????????"
// ??? ?????? ??? ???????
const int ledPin1 = 13; //???? 1 - ??????????
const int ledPin2 = 12; //???? 2 - ??????????

int offtimer =500; //?????? ?????????? = 500 = 5 ??????.
int ontimer = 0; // ?????? ?????????

// ?????????? ????????? ??????
int buttonState1 = 0;         //?????????
int buttonState2 = 0;        //?????????

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT); //???? ??? ?????
  pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT); //???? ??? ?????  
  pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT);//???? ??? ????
  pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT); //???? ??? ????

void loop()

  // ?????? ????????? ?????
  buttonState1 = digitalRead(buttonPin1);
  buttonState2 = digitalRead(buttonPin2);
  if (buttonState1 == HIGH) //???? ???? ??????????
    // ?????? ?????? ?? ???? 1
    digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);  
    offtimer = 500;  //???????? ?????? - ????????????? ???
    } //if1
  else { //???? ??????? ???????
    if (offtimer == 0) //???? ?????? ??? ?? ???????? (??????)
      digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW); //????????? ???? 1
   else { // ???? ?? ?????? ??????
     offtimer = offtimer -1; //????????? ?? 1 (1/10 ???????)
     delay (10); //??????? ????? ??????? ??????
  if (buttonState2 == HIGH) //???? ???? ??????? ?????????
     if (ontimer == 300) //???? ??? ?????? 3 ???????
        digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH); //???????? ???? 2
     else //???? ?? ??????
  //    ontimer = 300;
      delay (10);
      ontimer = ontimer +1; //?? ????????? 1 ? ???????
     }//else 3
//if 4
  }//if 3
  else //???? ??? ???????
  digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW); //????????
  ontimer = 0;//? ???????? ??????.

The demo in the first post in this Thread may give you some ideas.


The other simpler example with two leds (instead of the single led in the much mentioned "Blink without delay", it does two - and no, I did not write it, it was a community effort by at least 5 of the big contributors) is HERE

And I did write somethig that very closely matches your requirement is this article ( comments and enhancments welcome)