2 XBee boards on a UNO?

I am a newbie... just starting out. Can a Uno have TWO XBee boards so it can communicate with two other Unos at the same time? Is this possible and, if so, is it straight forward or will involve a massive kludge? Thank you.

Sure. Uno normally talks to XBee via software serial (so not via D0/D1), just need to be careful about when messages come in.
For 100% reliable comms, I would use hardware serial ports on a 2560 chip tho. Has 4. One to the PC, 3 others free.
If you don't want a full Mega board, I offer a small 2560 system on a board, crystal and Rs/Cs are on the bottom.

Please don't cross post: Can a "Uno" talk to two other "Uno"s at the same time? - #3 by SamBrownADK - General Electronics - Arduino Forum
One question, one topic.

Thank you... just a bit confused... are you saying you have (sell?) boards ("Shields" I think?) that I can use to plug into a Uno or a "Mega" and will allow that Uno or Mega communicate with 2 other Uno's at the same time via wifi or blue tooth? I am sorry for the dumb question... new here and just getting started.

I design and sell lots of stuff.
Wifi & Bluetooth generally talk to the Uno/Mega over serial. (I suppose SPI and I2C versions might be available as well).
If you want two at once, then multiple hardware serial ports are the best way to go.
Which implies a board with a Atmeg2560 processor.
You can use a full up Mega2560 board, Arduino brand or a cheap clone, or you can use my board.
The Wifi/Bluetooth modules will be separate boards that you will connect to.

If you wanted them all integrated, then I could design a custom board with the modules or module components mounted on the board as well. Just takes some cash on your part.

OK... thank you... I am just getting started and once I know a bit more (translating what I want to do into how specifically to do it) I will contact you and get the board(s) from you. Thank you again.