Hey guys and gals,
I am starting a new project a friend and i are starting to design a laser maze, i have the hardware down, i know how i am going to build the laser modules, and the receiver modules, as well as how to hook them up to the arduino. so i am really not too worried about that portion of the build. im also taking a course on how to program arduino right now, so i should have the required knowledge in order to actually program the arduino.
We are currently in the planning and designing stage of some software to be able to interface with the arduino. we want it to pull out specific information from it. like say specifically we want to view how many times a laser has been tripped. there will be more information that we want to receive but this will be a start. it will be a multi player game and will also have multiple checkpoints that will all have to be sent from the arduino to the pc.
my question is what program or set of commands would i use? what would be the best way to actually pull out and retain this information. perhaps store it in a data base for a while.
i have been trying to research it on my own and i haven't really come up with much. (prolly because im not seraching the right terms)
i understand that i can use serial or ethernet (with a shield). we have found a program that is already built that we might be able to reverse engineer to make this happen and since my friend can program in different languages im sure that will be fairly easy but first we need to figure out how to get the information out of the duino and into that program.
i just bought a book called "Processing A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists.2 edition" as i read in forum that this would help me in my quest.
if some one could point me in the right direction i would really appreciate it.
thanks in advance for all your help with this.