220V on PCB circuit?

I am designing a PCB in which i am going to put a 220V relay (same as the arduino relay module) as i need to turn on electric heater from it,
my question is if i put input track close to the output(relay) track and also use thick width for tracks can it work? or does the PCB just cannot bear the 220V, the current load will be 8A.

It can be done but it's NOT really a beginners task. Problem is twofold. You have AND high voltage which you need to isolate from the low voltage part AND high current.

So yes possible, but if you want to design something like that I would suggest to at least post the design here first.

Relays are made especially for this application - they have the mains voltage AC contact terminals appearing as spade lugs on the top of the relay; the high current circuits do not run on the circuit board.

Hopefully you are not proposing to use those cheap little relays from China. :roll_eyes:

Relays are made especially for this application - they have the mains voltage AC contact terminals appearing as spade lugs on the top of the relay; the high current circuits do not run on the circuit board.

Hopefully you are not proposing to use those cheap little relays from China. :roll_eyes:

Yeah i will use the good ones, could you propose any model and brand?

If you use PCB terminations then 2oz or 4oz copper may be needed - there are trace width
calculators for PCBs online.

With mains voltage you must provide good separation/clearances and preferrably slot the PCB to isolate
high voltage from low voltage side. Solder mask should be used to help prevent tracking
and the PCB should be cleaned and free from contamination. Go find a best practice guide
for this.

For instance: isolation - Why AC points on PCB are separated by a hole - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange UK requirements for mains and low voltage on same PCB | Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects and Microcontrollers)

Bear in mind you want to use "reinforced isolation", not "basic isolation" level for better protection.