240x240 ST7789 Adafruit display takes a while to draw bitmaps

Hi, I'm trying to make a small little display in a project that im working on, and it requires switching between ~3 different full display bitmaps, and drawBitmap() takes too long to fully draw, even while the file is stored as PROGMEM in flash. I've been considering pinching some code from this gif playing code, as gifs have to draw as near instantly as possible so it can be animated, however I just can't get my head around it.

More detailed info - The board I'm using is an UNO R4 WiFi, however I'm looking to move the code to a much smaller board later on in the project (I haven't bought one yet so the specs are variable), The display im using is this adafruit display, connected via EYESPI into their EYESPI breakout board, and I've currently been using their ST7789 library.

Any help in making bitmaps draw faster (hopefully near instant) is greatly appreciated!