24V 3-position actuator

Hi, all! I'm novice and need your advice.
I have 24V(AC) 3-position Siemens GDB131 actuator. What do I need to control the direction of actuator(clockwise/counterclockwise) ? The direction depends on contact 6(clockwise) and 7 (counterclockwise). I found relays for arduino, but they only can short-circuit 1 contact. Have everyone scheme to connect such devices to arduino?
Thank you.

If you insist on using relays, there are two options.

  1. use two relays. One for contact 6, one for contact 7. Please make sure that the two relays are never both switched on at the same time, as this may damage your actuator.

  2. use a relay with 5 pins. On the NO pin, you connect contact 6, on the NC pin, you connect contact 7. The disadvantage is, that it wil allways turn, you can't switch it off.