24v into arduino

I just put 24v directly into my aruidno through pin 12 to ground (I realize I'm a idiot). The chip obviously began to smoke, I'm just wondering if the entire board is toast or if I can just replace the chip?

I'd replace to chip first to check. After all, a chip only costs like $10 or something (probably less), whereas a new board would be $40-ish (or whatever the price is these days).

I just put 24v directly into my aruidno through pin 12 to ground (I realize I'm a idiot).

You're only an idiot if you said to yourself prior to doing it "gee, I wonder what would happen if I did this!", without researching anything...

Now, if you accidentally grabbed the wrong wire and stuck it in, or an alligator clip popped loose and shorted with another trace, or something like that, then you're not an idiot; unlucky, maybe.

Chalk it up to experience; to prevent this from happening in the future, try to build test rigs that work at the level of VCC (LEDs are your friends). Also, don't apply power or have power near your project until you have verified all connections (live power supply leads should -never- be just "lying around").

As far as your board is concerned: remove the dead bug, and inspect the socket and its solder joints carefully. Inspect the rest of the board carefully; look for burnt parts, scorch marks, bulged capacitors, etc; signs of other damage. Verify continuity between the pins on the socket and the pins on the headers. Give it a good check over. Look at the reference schematic for the board, and measure the output voltages when you apply USB vs external power (measure before and after the regulator). Verify that you have voltage from the USB port. Once you have all that done, then try plugging in another ATMega with bootloader. Power it up initially with the USB port, and verify that all looks OK. Then upload the Blink sketch, and hope everything is wonderful still...

Good luck!


You can hope that the 24 burned the pin to hell without letting it go through the ftdi.

Maybe you are luckier than me: I accidently put an almost empty 9V-Battery to my 5V-pin. (9V was suppored to drive a bell through transistor) ... and i didn't unplug the testconnection to 5V.
This fried my smd-FTDI. I would be happy if it only was the atmega.
So: Does your board get recognized as Com-Port if attached to PC (better without the ATmega)? If yes: lucky you ::slight_smile: