256 Microsteps / TMC 2208


I am using a very very simple piece of code to control a nema 17 with a TMC 2208. The only reason why I have chosen this driver is because it is quieter. I dont need it to do anything special, I just need it to turn.

#include <AccelStepper.h>

#define EN_PIN    5  // LOW: Driver enabled. HIGH: Driver disabled

const int MS1 = 3; 
const int MS2 = 4;

const int dirPin = 7;
const int stepPin = 6;

AccelStepper stepper(AccelStepper::DRIVER, stepPin, dirPin);

void setup() {
  pinMode(EN_PIN, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(EN_PIN, LOW);    // Enable driver in hardware

void loop () {

Now I know that it could run event smoother, if I enable UART mode and make it run with 256 microsteps. Do I only need to solder these J2 pads (as explained in the manual) or do I need to do something else? It is not clear to me.

I have found extensive information and tutorials about these drivers and how to configure them, but I have no knowledge about these things and they overwhelm me completely. Perhaos there is a very simple explanation for my very simple piece of code?

Thank you in advance

Hello @camilozk ,

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Thank you.

I understand. Thank you

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