I have been powering my Arduino board (the CH340 clone version) through the 5mm barrel jack with a 12V wall adapter. It worked fine. My current project requires 3 Arduinos, so I wired their Vin pins together thinking that I could still use 1 wall adapter to power all 3 arduinos. My logic was that the Vin from the wall adapter would be split into the 3 sepparate arduino PCBs.
Unfortunately, my wall adapter burnt out (i confirmed this later with an oscilloscope and a different load) and started outputting 25V AC into the Vin pins. There were no flames or any heating (yes i touched the boards to see if they were hot before disconnecting). When using a different external power supply connected to Vin, the 5V pin on the Arduino is now actually 4Volts, which I think means the linear regulators have been broken.
I am still able to upload code to the boards. And no errors show up even when verbose output and code verification after upload is done.
I also checked to see if a simple 'blink LED' program worked. Yes, it worked on every single IO pin. All of this was checked while powering the board via USB port.
However, none of the code I wrote for my project works. For example, I'm not able to transmit anything on I2C or the serial port.
My questions is: should I just assume the boards are beyond repair, or is there some other option (such as replacing the 5V linear regulators)????
If the blink sketch works, try an I2C scanner (put one or more I2C devices on the bus). If that works the board is probably ok. Your code is a different matter.
I tried the I2C scanner by Luis LLamas. It didn't find any devices. Unfortunately, they might be damaged as well, since they were connected when my power supply failled.
It looks like I might need to replace all the parts connected to my 3 arduinos(bunch of LCDs and a real time clock). Can anyone recommend a robust way of powering them next time I build this setup? I don't want a damaging voltage to be output by the power supply if it gets overloaded. Or, at least somekind of power supply that is more difficult to overload.
I just completed a project and it is powered by a wall plug USB C charger. I got mine on Amazon.ca, you may need to change the URL for your local Amazon https://amz.run/9TzE