28BYJ48 alternative high RPM

Hi folks,
I'm kind of inexperienced with motors and sadly I did a project for a lab with the wrong dimensional parameters, and now the frame has a space for the 28BYJ48.
No matter what I do with this, I cannot make it go faster than around 24 rpm. I am now tasked with finding a new motor or overclocking it to a lot more.
What I tried :

  • regearing the motor from another one (I managed to change the 1:64 reduction to 1:48) - now its 30rpm with this one, sadly I can't regear more (I need 2)
  • Overvolting it to 9V - this actually made the rpm go from around 12 to 20 ish
  • I also read that the stepper.h library is not the most effective

r/Motors - 28BYJ48 alternative high RPM

28BYJ-48 Ori

r/Motors - 28BYJ48 alternative high RPM


Next idea that I want to try out : Change the ULN2003A to a Bipolar driver and mod the 28BYJ48, I've read that that way you can get an extra 20%

angular resolution is not that important the best would be literally to just bypass the internal gearing and drive directly the shaft from the internal motor

I've been thinking about gearboxing it after the shaft but there is a weight and space limitation

Any idea about an alternative motor or how can I accomplish it? Goal would be 60-100RPM the more the better, now I'm stuck at 24 (let's say stable) - 30 (very not stable)

Sadly we only have FFF/FDM 3D printer, which I don't think has the neccessary resolution for those small gears.

One reason is that the Stepper library does not do accelerations. No stepper will go from a standstill to high speed without acceleration.
Edit: And the Stepper library will not work with the step/dir type drivers like the A4988. Use the Accelstepper or MobaTools stepper libraries to get acceleration with step/dir drivers.

Using a driver like the A4988 will allow you to use higher voltage power the motor. The A4988 is good for up to 35V. The driver controls the coil current so the voltage can be much higher which will result in higher speed and torque.

One must set the coil current limit on the motor driver before connecting the motor.

Adafruit has a 28BYJ48-type motor with different gearing.
Could be about 4 times faster than the common ones.

I had a look at it but in their description they said that its 12rpm with normal voltage and 20 when overvolted and overclocked

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