I need help figuring this out guys.
I have created a grid of IR sensors which i would like to determine the proximity of an object within it. for example say a ball rolled into the ir grid, it would register as being in (row 3, column5). this would tell me the location of the ball in relation to the grid.
I have a row of 6 ir sensors and a column of 6 ir sensors. I need to be able to read one sensor at a time to avoid interference. So the program will turn on sensor 1 and see if it detects something, if not sensor 1 will go off and 2 will come on, then 3 and so on until an object is detected on the grid.
Cant find any material addressing sequencing analog sensors to avoid interference and determining location on a 2d grid.
Below is the code i have so far but isn't doing the job.
int IRpin = 1;
int IRpin1 = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
float volts = analogRead(IRpin)*0.0048828125;
float distance = 27*pow(volts, -1.15);
float Inches = (distance / 2.54);
float volts1 = analogRead(IRpin1)*0.0048828125;
float distance1 = 27*pow(volts1, -1.15);
float Inches1 = (distance1 / 2.54);
if (Inches >= 2 && Inches <= 20){
Serial.print("MISS...The ball stopped in ROW1");
delay(2000); }
else if (Inches1 >= 2 && Inches1 <= 20){
Serial.print("MISS...The ball stopped in ROW2");
delay(2000); }