I am using an Arduino MEGA 2560 and interfacing to a MAX7219. For this MAX7219 I have 1x 100nF ceramic capacitor from 5V pin of MEGA 2560 continue along 5V rail. Then I have 1x 10k resistor from 5V rail to ISET pin. Then a wire to hook up to VCC of MAX7219. The MAX7219 is then connected to a 6 digit 7segment. Tested and this works well, all good. All digits show as per my code.
I then setup another MAX7219 like above, including additional caps and 10k resistor. It works and the 2nd display works correctly. So connection and code wise it's good.
However, for display 2 do I really need the 2nd load of caps and 10k resistor? What would happen if I didn't? I know that if I do not include then I will connect ISET Display1 to ISET Display2.
Thanks for your help.