Hi guys
I'm new to arduino and I'm trying to connect a 3.2 inch tft screen to my arduino uno with no luck.
I'm following the requirements guide in the UTFT library doc. after plugging in all relevant pins etc and upload the sketch nothing happens the screen is just off.
im not sure if im doing anything wrong or if there's something special i can do to test it.
maybe someone can show me a diagram of how to wire up the 3.2 tft screen to a arduino theres lots of links to wiring a tft to a mega but non really for the uno. i don't need the touch or sd card functions i just want to use it as a display.
the tft screen i have is a ITDB02-3.2S
any help would be appreciated.
Normally TFT screens operate at a lower voltage than the Uno so either you need a shield or build your own level shifter.
Are you using a TFT shield (like the one on the bottom of the web link you supplied) or plugging it straight into the Uno?
hi there
im plugging it straight into the uno? is that bad thing, but i mean even if i over volt the tft screen shouldnt it atleast put the backlight on or something id imagine
It's a bad thing....
You could have already damaged the screen.
If it was me I would get a Mega + Shield at least you know the connections will be correct and you will have the bonus of touch + sd card...
That will also prove the screen is still working or not..
Without seeing what you have already done its hard to give any good advice, all we can do is assume that the connections are good and the RD+WR+RS pins are defined ok.
so is there a way i can test that the lcd is still functioning.
the main reason i actually want to get it working on a arduino uno is so that i can eventually port the code onto a arduino micro. the goal is to make a screen and controller as small as possible so the mega is going to add alot of extra bulk.
and like i said i defined the pins and set them up exactly as in the utft requirements. is there anyway to know if its working or not.