Hi , working on a xbee 3.3 volt to 5 volt converter.
what is the standard chip used for doing this ?.
I`ve seen one board which uses a 74LVC244A , but having problems finding a source of these.
Hi , working on a xbee 3.3 volt to 5 volt converter.
what is the standard chip used for doing this ?.
I`ve seen one board which uses a 74LVC244A , but having problems finding a source of these.
They have them and a range of other 74LVC devices at Futurlec:
I ordered this a couple of days ago:
They seem to use a BSS138
That looks about right for what I want !!!!!
I need to convert 3 lines , rx , tx , rst form 3.3 v to 5v .
Let me know what you think when you get yours ?. And been sparkfun should have no problem getting them in the u.k
Hmm.. from the comments it seems there is a problem with their voltage divider. Thus RX is only unidirectional -> 5v to 3v.
Rx will only release 2.5V according to their voltage divider if 3V is connected. you have to switch R5 and R9 to ~20k ohms. This will give you 4.45 V if you go from low to high. If this is still not enough, some further tweaking might be neccessary.
and that`s going to be fun with surface mounted component.
That`s a bit simple a voltage divider , which like you say is a 50/50 split.
desoldering the SMT resistor won't be that bad. I find desoldering surface mount resistors way easier than desoldering through hole resistors, espeacially with parts that only need to be soldered on 2 ends. You just alternate heating each end with a soldering iron and the resistor just slides off the board. When I desolder through hole components I never seem to be able to get a completely clean hole afterwards and that makes resoldering a part in really hard.