[3.5 mm audio jack] output from Arduino set to RC transmitter via the jack

Dear all,

I am working on gesture control where data from a set of sensors is read by Arduino Mega which is then send to a RC transmitter to control an autonomous vehicle.

I was told it can be done by sending PPM signal from the Arduino to the transmitter (watch the 5s video), but to be honest I do not know how to make Arduino --> 3.5mm audio jack electronic circuit.

There is a similar topic, but it is about the 3.5mm acting as an input.

Many thanks

This is a BIG guess and may be all wrong.

I think you need to get the Arduino to produce a servo signal for each channel (in the usual way with servo.write() ) and then, somehow "combine" those servo pulses into a single stream so they properly interleave with each other within the standard 20msec frame of servo repeats.

I don't think the outputs from 3 or 4 servo instances are coordinated in time so I suspect you would have to write your own code to take the place of what the servo library does. That is probably not too difficult.


He's talking about the training link cable that connects the trainer's transmitter to the student's transmitter on the field via a 3.5mm mono audio style cable. I can't recall the exact term for that cable but it must be PPM because it is not an RF cable.
I don't know the packet protocol so I don't know how it designates a specific receiver channel on the aircraft .

Have a look here: http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,8755.0.html
and here: Connecting your R/C Transmitter to a PC using an Arduino UNO ยป Richard J. Prinz

Have a look here - https://code.google.com/p/generate-ppm-signal/downloads/list

Not my project, but I'm using the same concept is my custom transmitter project, it works perfectly.

The gist of it is the ppm[] array keeps a value per channel. so, ppm[0] = 1500; will centre the first channel, it's in microseconds so the usual range is 1000-2000. The signal that's produced on sigPin should work at a buddy box master just fine, or if you use one of the DIY transmitter modules, like the one from ftSky or OrangeTx it'll do the job just fine too.

From first link of Steinie44's Reply#3

First off, had to make a trainer cable for the RC transmitter, which would normally be used to connect a student's radio to a teacher's, in order to share control of the model.

From second link of Steinie44's Reply#3

The DEVO-7 like most other R/C transmitters provides a trainer socket which outputs a PPM signal normaly used by a second R/C transmitter controlled by the flight trainer.

also referred to as