Hello everyone,
I appear to have an issue with my recently purchased TFT display. The The initial idea was as follows: I wanted to connect my Arduino UNO with a TFT display and use slightly modified example codes to display my own pictures on the screen.
I stumbled upon this display:
...aaand purchased it, hoping I would find an easy way to display something on that screen.
Luckily, it comes with a built-in micro SD card slot.
Luckily I found a sort of "starter kit" for this display for an Arduino Uno with example code which showed how to display .bmp-files - exactly what I wanted.
However I cannot seem to get it to work, whenever I upload one of the codes, the screen stays white.
None of the codes work, except for the "Example01 - simple test" which properly displays a colour-changing screen. All the other codes do not yield errors but the screen stays white. ("warnings" come up occasionally, but I dont think that is critical)
I suspected that it might have something to do with the libraries I am using, so I spent the day googling and researching, found some modified versions of the libraries (SmokeAndMirrors Version etc.) and basically tried everything I know to get it to work - without success.
So now I would like to ask you guys if you could think of anything that might help me.
I am running Windows 7 and I use an Arduino Uno along with the specified display.
I really dont know why the one code works but all the others do not. Essentially all I need is a display that can display .bmp-files on that screen, with the pictuire changing ever so often.
do you guys have an idea what to do next?
Thanks you and cheers,